
Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Being A Prime Minister Is My greatest honour - David Cameron

 UK prime minister David Cameron make a remarkable speech, noted that prime minister had been "the greatest honour" all through his life career. He make this statement as he prepared to formally resign. The prime minister, wife and children in Downing Street, said the present state of UK is "much stronger" compared to as it was before he took over.

He proceed to Buckingham Palace to tender his resignation to the Queen, the queen as of the moment appointed Theresa May as his replacement.

Mr Cameron earlier spoke to PMQs for the final time, informing MPs that he would "miss the roar of the crowd".
Mr Cameron most remarkable comment outside No 10, before driving to Buckingham Palace, was "I had not got every decision right" but added: "I do believe that today, our country is much stronger" 

He said."Politicians like to talk about policies, but in the end it's about people's lives," pointing to the government's record on employment, the NHS and defence.

He wished the in-coming prime secretary, Mrs Theresa the best, saying she will provide "strong and stable leadership".

His final statement before their departure he mused, my only wish was "continued success for this great country that I love so very much".

A statement from Buckingham Palace confirmed the queen received his resignation letter with gladness. How could this be? ement, According to the statement the Queen was "graciously pleased" to accept.

Source: BBC

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