
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Dell unvails new business solutions


DELL Software has announced the newest release of its Unified Communications Command Suite, which adds analytics reporting for Office 365 for Exchange Online and Cisco Unified Communications Manager to Dell’s cross-platform analytics and diagnostics solution.

Unified Communications Command Suite 8.1, the market’s solution to offer analytics and diagnostics across both Microsoft Exchange and Lync, now expands an organisation’s capability to harness the valuable intelligence in its unified communications systems to increase user productivity, encourage adoption, protect sensitive information, increase ROI, and plan for future growth and migrations.

Today’s organisations invest heavily in unified communications and typically have a variety of systems in place across the organisation, yet lack accurate insight into who is using which platform, or how it’s being used. The result is lost productivity, increased support man-hours and millions of dollars in software platform costs and renewals.

With the looming end of support for Windows Server 2003, increased adoption of Office 365, and Exchange 2016 on the horizon, organisations are considering multi-UC platform migration paths that will support evolving business needs and better prepare for future growth.

Source: ngrguardian

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