
Monday, November 21, 2016

Head teacher in Ugandan defile his 14-year-old student, bribed her with money


In Eastern Uganda, Police in Mayuge district have arrested the head teacher of Nango township primary school for defiling a little girl of 14-year-old, a tean  pupil.

Farouk Kyeyango whose pictured is shown above was arrested on Saturday after he had allegedly defiled a primary 7 pupil who had just finished sitting for primary leaving examinations at the school.
The incident become known to the public when the little girl’s mother, Mrs. Grace Nambuya reported to authorities that her child had gone missing on November 3. Following several announcements passed on broadcasting stations by the missing girl family, information reached the Police that the girl was seen at the head teacher’s place.

The Police stormed the head teacher house and found the girl, which then lead to his arrest. After Medical examination it was observed that she had been defiled. According to girl statement recorded at Mayuge police station, she stated that Kyeyango started having sexual intercourse with her since the first term of primary seven in exchange for money. The girl said, he threatened to dismiss her from school if she ever reported him or reveal it to anyone.

Kyeyango who defile 14 yrs old girl confessed to the crime, saying

“It is true we have been having a love affair and I had sexual intercourse with her only two times. I didn’t know that our affair would lead me to police. I ask for forgiveness and if God helps me to get out of here I will never do it again.”

The girl’s mother also said that the relatives of the suspect have twice visited her asking to settle the matter out of court but she refused. The police have since confirmed that their investigations are complete and the teacher would be charged to court for aggravated defilement

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