
Monday, October 17, 2016

UNILAG Expels 125 Students, 198 Others Suspended

The University of Lagos, has ordered the immediate expulsion of 125 students of the institution for allege forgery and academic misconduct.
The school authorities also suspended 198 students over various offenses such as examination malpractice, academic and social misconduct.

 Over 300 affected students names was published on the school’s website on Sunday afternoon.

UNILAG’s Deputy Registrar in charge of information, Toyin Adebule, says beyond the list posted on the institution’s website, the names and photographs of the affected students will soon be published in media and pasted around the school premises.

He added that UNILAG’s action aligns with its commitment to rid the school of all forms of malpractices and vices.
He said, the penalties meted out to the students were based on the severity of the offences. Some of those rusticated were caught smoking Marijuana on campus, while others were engaged in various forms of misdemeanor.

The offenses of those expelled were mainly for forged results while those suspended were for academic misconduct.

According to hm, some of the affected students were caught impersonating, writing examinations for others, while others were caught with ‘micro-chips’ during examinations.

He urged the remaining students of the institution currently writing exams to abide by the rules and regulations of the school, UNILAG. He said such rules and regulations were usually accompanied by various sanctions for defaulters.

Mr. Adebule, however, insists that this rustication and expulsion of these  students had nothing  to do with the recent students’ riot.

Last month, some students were rusticated from the school after carrying  out a peaceful demonstration, over what they termed an alleged violation of their rights by the school’s authority.


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