
Saturday, September 3, 2016

A Girl Who Was Featured In Lord Paper’s Pono Music Video (Deleted By Youtube) Poured Insults On Ghanaians

Ghana is a free country so many people wake up anytime to say what they want and do whatever they feel like. So has this lay  too.
A music video from an up and coming artiste Lord Paper got social media talking on Thursday.

YouTube had to delete the video because it violates its policy, which tells that it is more or less compared to a pono. The girl who featured in the music video has air out her view in a very harsh way which seem to be an insult to the Ghanaians.

The lady who is known as Nana Yaa in a chat with use unkind words for Ghanaians. To her, she sees something wrong with some Ghanaians because the ‘Awurama’ video is not that bad for them to talk ill about it.
According to the chat, she use these unpleasant words< read it below.

'lol Ghana is f*cked up’

What is wrong with yll.

It’s just a music video nothing more. just pure acting and if people can’t handle it that’s their problem,. I’m done'

She added that her family has not disowned her because of the video so she has nothing to worry about.

‘all those stories are false but the good thing is i am not bothered. I’m still me nothing, not even anyone can break me” she said.

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