
Monday, May 9, 2016

Jay Z's Mother Alleged 22-Year-Old Son Speaks On Paternity Case

Rymir Sattherthwaite is scheduled to appear in front of Congress this month to speak on his paternity case against Jay Z, whom he believes is his father.

Jay Z's name is all over the headlines right now, even though the man himself has stayed relatively reclusive. As social media (and hackers) have been intent on discovering his alleged "Becky," it seems that Jay Z is also fighting to avoid getting pinned with a paternity test.

The case was first reported on in February of last year, though Wanda Satterthwaite, the mother of the child in question, 22-year-old Rymir Satterthwaite, has suggested that the fight to prove Jay Z's paternity of her child had been going on for years before that.

Due to her deteriorating health, Rymir's mother was not in the picture when the lawsuit was filed in February 2015 by her son's legal guardian, Lillie Colley. This is Wanda's first time speaking publicly since the beginning of the case, which is apparently still unresolved.

In a video message posted by Radar Online, Wanda reads from a statement that finds her confirming all of her son's allegations. She began by reporting that she had been treated disrespectfully by Hov's attorney in 2012, which she demands an apology for. She went on to claim that Jay Z is currently being investigated for allegedly using means of fraud and collusion in order to avoid submitting to a paternity test. "The Governor of Pennsylvania is reviewing information regarding allegations of fraud in Philadelphia regarding court orders where the parties names were changed and removed," she stated.

Wanda finished her statement by wishing her son good luck as he continues to move forward with the case. "My message to my son, Rymir, is that the battle is now yours. Don't give up."

According to Radar, Rymir is scheduled to speak in front of Congress this month. Rymir apparently worked with the Family Civil Liberties Union to help grant his case national exposure. Here's a photo of Jay next to Rymir that was posted earlier this year. Any resemblance?


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