
Thursday, April 28, 2016

Cops Force Lesbian to Leave Ladies’ Toilet In North Carolina

A LESBIAN is forcibly removed from a ladies’ toilet by police who don’t believe she’s a woman in jaw-dropping footage.

Eventually police tell her friends “you can all leave if you want” causing them to reply that they will before the video ends.

Blogger Tamara McDaniel, who shared the footage on Facebook, said the police were punishing the woman’s dress sense.

She also made reference to new legislation targeting the transgender community passed in the American state of North Carolina.

The new rules require transgender people to use only those public toilets that correspond to the gender given on their birth certificates.

In the video, an unidentified woman can be seen in a standoff with the cops, as she tries to convince them that she’s female.

Her friends intervene and try to reassure the officers she’s a girl, but they insist on seeing identification if she wants to stay.

And when she declines their demand, they manhandle her out of the toilet, calling her “sir” and ignoring her pals as they shout “she’s a girl”.

source: dailystar

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