
Sunday, April 6, 2014

You Are Created For Creativity

Creativity is not art, skill, or luck. Creativity is a problem solving technique that can be applied to anything. You just need a little insight and inspiration. You don't have to be artist to be creative. Whoever told you creativity is something you're born with, lied to you. 

Creativity is what you need to solve your biggest problems. Creativity is something that we are all born with, and I’m not talking about drawing, painting, writing, or any form of traditional art specifically. I am talking about problem solving abilities using your imagination. 

‘Imagination is more important than knowledge for knowledge is limited whereas imagination embraces the entire world, thereby stimulating progress and giving birth to evolution’ – Albert Einstein 

‘Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place where it leads’ – Erica Jong

Creativity is not a science. It is a problem solving tool.

This may be the most important letter you’ll ever read in your life, so you might want to pay attention to every single word from here on out.
If you are reading this, you possess what it takes to make your creative dreams come true, and I can help you get there.
It takes inspiration and a little insight to your own personality, then you can unlock your creative side. These 6 steps help you uncover your inspiration, as well as give you all the knowhow you need to unlock it. You are created for creativity!

1.     Find Your Passion: It Drives Memory and Creativity
“Passion is what drives memory. So we can now account for a more diverse array of information, and we can now have far more serendipitous encounters with knowledge and other people, that you probably get a net increase in creativity. But it is also true that if you want to have powerful creative leaps in the sense of going on a long walk and suddenly being hit by a bolt out of the blue, you have to deeply internalize knowledge. So it is incumbent upon the person who wants to be creative to really wrestle with the material they are thinking about. So you have to have those disconnected moments where you can think without being distracted. You also need to do more generation, such as writing about it, or writing it in front of other people. This is enormously powerful for encoding in our heads what we’re thinking about. 
The distraction stuff has made things harder, but the generation stuff has gotten easier.  Even arguing about things through email has powerful effects in getting things to sink into your head.  If we stopped lingering over the stuff that we cared about, you could argue that we are losing some creativity, but in practice I think when people are obsessed with something they do linger over it.  So really what you have is a cultural problem. I would like people to be obsessed with space exploration more, with politics more, which is the age old question of “How do we get people passionate about the things that are the big things?” That’s what you and I are trying to do.  We’re constantly trying to seduce people into thinking about science by posing it in a really delightful way. You attract more flies with honey.”

2.     Know When (And When Not) To Rely On “Outsourced Intelligence”
“If you automate skills that shouldn’t be automated you can degrade the quality of your performance and thought. So we have Google self-driving cars coming along. On the one hand this is great because humans are dreadful at driving.  We should not be driving.  We have terrible wandering minds and are too easily distracted. We are overly confident in our abilities and have a dreadful sensual appreciation for the kinetic power of a two ton object moving at sixty miles an hour.  So I would way rather have a robot controlling the car. The danger of this is when you have to suddenly hand the control back to a human. 

So I’m in the car and sleeping, playing a video game, or not paying attention, or reading a newspaper, and suddenly my self-driving car goes “Oh my God, something is happening that I can’t handle” and says “Here Clive, you drive.”  And maybe I haven’t actually driven the car for two years now. So I’m probably going to be a disastrously bad driver. So if you hand off to a machine or an algorithm, you can lose the habit of doing that task. This is a really interesting problem and I don’t know how they’re going to get around that with self-driving cars. The statistical answer is if I am handed back the car I likely will crash it, but the overall damage rate of handing off the control of cars to robots will still be so much lower so it’s worth it overall.

So how does this analogize to cognitive tasks that aren’t so life and death? One example is with calculators and learning math. The evidence seems to show that if you give a kid a calculator too early a stage in their learning they won’t learn it quite as well because they don’t get the chance to really wrestle with those procedures internally. It’s even bad to routinize or hand over to an algorithm the act of addition with carrying.  Add one number, carry it over, that’s an algorithm for adding. Studies show it prevents the kid from thinking about what the numbers mean…I see this in my kids learning, where teachers do teach the algorithm but they also teach different ways to think about the numbers… once you’ve grasped these basic math concepts, using a calculator is fine and this actually improves their ability to learn math, discover more playful combinations of numbers, and ratchet themselves ahead.”

3.     Be innovative, think creatively
Innovation is the product of creativity, and if you can just look around you right now and think about how those products around you are all just innovations combined. People who have creativity problems often forget there is no limit to creativity. Creativity isn’t art necessarily, it’s creation. This guide is for those people who need assistance in understanding themselves better in order to become a creator.

I am talking about mind blowing personal achievement that is powered by creative thinking. Unlocked using plain English, and not any highly technical psychological terms. I have no special degree of any kind. I am a regular dude who created this eBook, so other regular people can start to work with these ideas.

Feeling creative is something that we are sometimes shy to admit, but when we do feel it, it’s when we feel most comfortable in our own skin.

4.     knowing your purpose make you more creative.
Knowing your purpose simplifies your life. It defines what you do and what you don’t do. Your purpose become your standard you use to evaluate which activities are essential and which aren’t. We were made to be creative. This is why people make use of their imagination and make an invention.

Without a clear purpose you have no foundation on which you base your decision, allocate your time, and use your resources creatively. You will tend to make choices base on circumstances, pressures, and your mood at that moment. People who don’t know their purpose try to do too much – and that causes stress, fatigue, and  conflict.
Knowing your purpose motivates your life. Purpose always produces passion. Nothing energizes like a clear purpose. On the other hand, passion dissipates when you lack a purpose.  Prune away even good activities and do only that which matters most. Never confuse activity with productivity. You can be busy without a purpose, but what is the point? ‘focus on the goal’.

5.     Don’t just follow the ‘Elite’, Balance your life
‘Blessed are the balanced; they shall outlast everyone’. – Rick Warren
One of the events in the summer Olympics is the pentathlon. It is composed of five events: pistol shooting, fencing, horseback riding, running and swimming. The pent athlete’s  goal is to succeed in  the five areas,  not just one or two. Keeping these five purposes in balance is not easy. We all tend to over emphasize the purpose we feel most passionate about and neglect the others.  But  you can keep your life balance and on track by joining a small group for accountability, by regular evaluating your creative ability, by recording your  progress in personal journal and by passing on what you learn to others. These are four important activities  for creativity. If you are serious about staying on track, you will need to develop these habits.

      6.   Have a creative Mindset
You don’t have to have a "creative profession" to be a creative person, and whoever told you that is just dead wrong. . Creativity can be unlocked inside every single one of us, but you need to adopt a certain mindset. Your mindset most be visionary. You have to develop the desire to start that journey of chasing your creative dreams, no matter how big or small they are. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to be naturally gifted in any one area to be considered creative. Creativity is a problem solving tool.
develop a critical
skill that make you separate problem from opportunities.
This framework is designed to give you an exact direction if

NOTE: A Law of Attraction System So Powerful That Your Ability To Manifest What You Want, When You Want and For Whatever Reason You Want...will be "certified."

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