
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Change Your Mindset Change Your Life


          Picture in your mind the able earnest useful person you desire to be and the thought you hold is hourly transforming you into the particular individual you admire. - Elbert Hubbard
Your mindset is a powerful thing. It has the ability to control you, persuade you and even hold you back from doing or achieving things in your life.
It can even make you FEEL unhappy, when circumstances seem to prove that you SHOULD be happy. Which can be confusing. Sometimes things (thoughts, feelings, circumstances) just change on their own over time. Most of the time they don't. So don't sit around waiting and hoping. The truth is how you think or feel about something RIGHT NOW is pretty darn hard to CHANGE.

There are many methods and tools for productivity, but I think first of all we should change our mindset. Without having the right mindset, even the best methods and tools will only give you modest results. On the other hand, having the right mindset gives you strong foundation for the productivity techniques and methods to run smoothly. We are where we are in life because of the conditioning of our minds, in other words the wrong learned behavior or right learned behavior. Which one of these two learned behaviors reflects your life? How can one replace the wrong programming of one's mindset with the correct programming? You can accomplish this by implanting new programming into your mindset. In other words, the "renewing of the mind" is the key. One of the major issues with "renewing of the mind" that you experience is that your mind will "reject" the new programming or thoughts. When you begin to apply the principles listed here on a daily basis, the transformation can begin. Change your mindset and changeyour life.

Beware of what you set your mind on for that you will surely become. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

A mindset is a set of assumptions, methods or notations held by one or more people or groups of people which is so established that it creates a powerful incentive within these people or groups to continue to adopt or accept prior behaviors, choices, or tools

Changing Your Mindset will change your life!

But it's true that it's simply not that easy. Fortunately it can be done. You can change your mindset - and the way you think or feel about any given thing.
That is why I've figured out a trick to shift your mindset in the right direction.
The first step to changing your mindset - that powerful pull in your head that forces you to choose even things you know are wrong or  negative or bad for you - is to know what your mindset is exactly.

You have a certain mindset about all sorts of things. Your finance, success, marriage, your business, failure, health, your future, parenting, whatever.

In my opinion, the mindset we need to have to improve our productivity boils down to this:

Love what you do
That’s it. Love what you do. Do your tasks with love. If you have this mindset, you will no longer feel the tasks as chore. Instead they will be something you happily do. They will be fun.

To see the power of this principle, just take a moment to reflect back. Can you recall doing something you love? How did it feel? Next, can you recall doing something you don’t like? How was the feeling compared to doing something you love? I guess you notice significant difference between them. For the thing you love, you effortlessly do it. You do it with enthusiasm and excitement. Results will naturally follow. On the other hand, doing the thing you don’t like is a struggle. “It not hard work that wear menout, it’s wrong work that wear them out”.  You must drag yourself to do it and you suffer along the way. It’s difficult to achieve maximum productivity in such condition.
Perhaps you notice that I wrote “love what you do”and not “do what you love”. Why? Because the former is proactive while the latter is not. You can’t always choose to do things you naturally like. There will be times when you must do something you don’t like. If the mantra is “do what you love”, then your performance will be dependent on the kind of tasks you have. You will perform well when you do the tasks you like and you will perform badly otherwise. This, however, isn’t true productivity. To be truly productive, your performance must be consistently good. No matter what kinds of tasks you have, you must perform well. That’s why the key is to “love what you do” and not “do what you love”. You should learn to love whatever tasks you come across, whether or not you naturally like it.

Now, how can we change our mindset to love what we do? I wish I could give you many tips on this, but the more I think about it the more I realize that all the tips I think of boil down to just one:

Replace your negative self-talk with positive one
Our self-talk may run automatically that we barely notice. But, if you take closer look, you will recognize the kind of self-talk you have. So don’t just do things on autopilot. Watch your thoughts and identify the kind of self-talk you have.
It all begins with our mind. We love something because we have positive self-talk/feeling about it and we don’t like something because we have negative self-talk/feeling about it.

Apply authentic positive action
Become aware of what you are thinking on a continuous basis. Once you become thought aware you are now on the right path to a mindset change -

Mark D Watt
What is another key of wisdom that I can use to change so that my thoughts are of a positive mindset, and be successful in every area of my life?

The thoughts and purposes of the [consistently] righteous are honest and reliable, - Proverbs 12:5a AMP
You have to take some specific, deliberate action to put things in motion - toward a result that you know, can picture & desire deeply.

Once you take that action, something almost magical happens. Just taking that action starts the shift, and starts to change your mindset. You will feel different. You will see things differently. You will think totally different about something when you're on the other side of the action you took.

You have to commit. And commitment can't be in your mind alone - you have to commit with a definitive action.

Be definite in your action!
And therein lies the key. The key to changing your mindset, and making lasting positive change in your life.

Going Against The Grain
You feel how you feel, think what you think, believe what you believe. Right or wrong. Moving toward your goals may go against some of that. And that's okay. It doesn't make it easy (at all!) but it's okay.
Challenge your current mindset. Take thoughts like this:
·        I can do it
·        I know who I am
·        I want to make a million dollars this year
·        I can make it

(or insert your own common thoughts) - and ask yourself WHY.

‘He who has a why to live can manage anyhow’ – Napoleon Hill

For the next few days, keep a notepad close and make note of common thoughts or mindset issues that you recognize. And question them. Also take some time to sit down and write out something you want to change in your life (or in your business).


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