
Sunday, March 16, 2014



Several lessons have be learn from the words, life and time of America’s best president, Abraham Lincoln. There are yet more profound treasures of wisdom to be drawn from his letter to his son’s teacher. “He will have to learn, I know that all men are not just all men are not true, if he desire and decide to be.

“But teach him also that for every scoundrel there is a hero; that for every selfish politician there is a dedicated leader”. 

Even in the mire of corruption, a couple of people still maintain there integrity. We should therefore learn to treat people as individuals and be ware of ruthless generalizations.

“Teach him that for every enemy there is a friend”. For every one that hate you terribly enough to kill you, there is someone that love you well enough that will die for you.

Teach him a dollar earned is of far more value than five dollar found. Diligence and hard work is of essence, not just to earn money but to gain personal value. 

“Teach him to learn to loose and also enjoy winning”. Taking responsibility for both your success and your failures breeds peace and fosters progress.

“Steer him from envy if you can”. Envy and jealousy is a sign of low esteem. If you value who you are and what you have, Envy and jealousy is a sign of low esteem. If you value who you are and what you have… you have no cause to be envious.

“Teach him the wonder of books; also give the quiet time to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun and flowers on a green hillside”. Meditation is an integral part of any life of meaning. Never miss your quiet time, the product of it shapes your life.

“Teach him the secret of quiet laughter”. To keep your intact and save your face from the ripples of aging, smile. It takes tens of muscles to frown but less than ten to smile.

‘In school teach him it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat”. Honesty and integrity is more manly than effrontery to cheat.
“Teach to have faith in his own ideas, even if every one tells him
 they wrong”. It takes only one person to kill your idea and that person has to be you. Your dreams remains immortal so long as you believe in it.  

“Teach him to be gentle with gentle people and tough with tough people”. But never forget, evil does not overcome evil, you to use good to over come evil.

“try to give him the strength not follow the crowd when everybody is getting on the bandwagon’s”. If you can’t beat them, don’t join them stand alone, stand out. As soon as they notice what stand you out, they will come filling up behind you.

“Teach him to listen to all men, but teach him also to filter all that he hears on a screen of truth and take only the good that comes through”. Practice selective listening and selective thinking. You can’t afford to give thought to every word you hear from every man. 

“Teach how to laugh when he is sad”. Encouragement for you is best generated by you. Don’t cry so badly because of the sorrow of the night that your vision become too impaired to see joy in the morning.

 Never let the distractions that attracts and the attraction that distracts steal your concentration. Never shy away responsibility of fighting a course you know not be just.

“Teach him there is no shame in tears”. Be sincere even with your emotions. “Unexpressed emotion could be an equivalent of time bomb. Tears is not a sign of weakness, it is a physical and emotional excreta.

“Teach him to close his ear to howling mob, and to stand and fight if he think he is right”. The incessant noise of flies does not hinder, the butcher is business. Never let the distractions that attracts and the attraction that distracts steal your concentration. Never shy away responsibility of fighting a course you know not be just.

“Teach him greatly, but do not cuddle him because only the test of fire makes fines steel”. Love without discipline is stupidity, discipline without love is brutality.

“Let him the courage to be impatient; let him have the patience to be brave”. Go for what you want on time, pursue it with confidence and never settle for the less.

“Teach him always to have sublime faith in his creator and faith in himself too, because then will he always have faith in mankind”. To trust God and not to trust yourself is to be strong and lazy. To trust your self without God is to be weak and useless.

“This is a big order, but please see what you can do. He is such a fine little fellow, my son! Give someone a cumbersome assignment, but make him fill he has a choice, he is very much likely to go the extra mile to get it done than when you stamp your authority on him and make him feel used.

These lessons are not only for, fine little Lincoln, but also for pretty old folks.

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