
Monday, March 31, 2014

15 Skills You Need To Be A Great Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurial Skills Can be Developed! Entrepreneurship is a discipline that requires the mastery of some skills.

 Becoming an entrepreneur is not accomplished simply by attending a course, learning a particular tool (e.g., like programming) or preparing a business plan; these are very small parts of a much larger set of activities, about which no one is being clear.

Every successful entrepreneur had to learn how to be a great manager, be innovative, Manage uncertainty, Respond to, reduce or re-engineer risk, Access and utilize resources, along the line. These are the attributes that will earn you the chance to become management genius.

If you're not deemed management gurus, you never get your shot at the big-time Period. You never get the chance to learn or hone those skills that will enable you to someday start your own business.

 Even big-time entrepreneurs like Larry Page and Mark Zuckerberg had to learn how to be effective managers. If not, the companies they founded, the Google and Facebook of the world, never would have gone anywhere. So if you must be the next great entrepreneur these special skill is a must mastered.

Remember, Skill is the ability to habitually perform a particular action or task at a high level of performance to consistently achieve a desired outcome.

Here are the skills and attributes that executives and business leaders look for in up-and-comers. If you've got some of them or can fake it well enough to convince the powers that be to give you a chance, you might be management genius.

 1.    Seeing the big picture. When I meet someone who understands markets, how companies operate, how business gets done--who gets it--I think that guy's got potential. If, on the other hand, all you know and are interested in is your own little domain, that's all you're likely to see in your career. You can see far! Entrepreneurs need to know whether their company has the correct resources.

2.    Ability to Plan: Entrepreneurs must be able to develop business plans to meet goals in a variety of areas, including finance, marketing, production, sales and personnel. Communication Skills: Entrepreneurs should be able to explain, discuss, sell and market their goods or service.

 "A lot of people have ideas, but there are few who decide to do something about them now," Bushnell said. "Not tomorrow. Not next week. But, today. The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer."

 3.    Hunger to achieve. If you live to accomplish things, to make things happen so you can look back and say I did that or I was part of that, managers and recruiters will see it. They look for that sort of thing in up-and-comers. It helps, of course, to have the capability to deliver, but it's a great starting point. There must be a genuine hunger in you to succeed.

 4.    Courage. The rule is “as a man thinketh in his heart so he is”. If your believe is wrong, your expectation will be wrong. As you see yourself so other will see you. Build greater self-confidence.

 Very few of us actually possess any meaningful amount of self-confidence when we're young for the simple reason that we haven't had enough experience, enough successes and failures, to develop confidence yet. But if you have the guts to at least act like you do, that's enough to get folks to believe in you and give you a shot. Have a healthy self-esteem!

 5.    Mental Development.  Intelligence! Develop yourself mentally. Read. Read value to your beauty. Without a sitting to study there cannot be rising to flight. ‘How well you sit determine how high you rise’. Watch creative program that will develop you. Ask question, “he who has a why to live can manage anyhow”. Read about things, it will help your conversation. Observe, you will learn from observation. What people are doing, how they are doing it. These will help you to come up with new ideals.

6.    Functional competence. Whatever it is you're going to be running, if people don't think you've got the expertise to do it effectively, forget it. These days, managers are expected to be the best at what they manage. The best engineers are usually tapped to run teams. 

The brightest finance minds become controllers. That's how it works. Do something, learn how to do something to solve problem. Learn what you have not learn, develop critical skills that make you to separate problem from opportunities. Be good at what you do!

 7.    Prioritization and tradeoffs. The real world isn't like what they teach you in school. Nothing is ever black and white or cut and dried. That's why so much of management competence is your ability to effectively prioritize and make tradeoffs. Make versus buy decisions. Zero based budgeting. Knowing what's critical and what to bump. Every management interview will have questions along those lines. Now you know why.

 8.    Interpersonal Skills: The ability to establish and maintain positive relationships with customers and clients, employees, financial lenders, investors, lawyers and accountants, among others, is crucial to the success of the entrepreneur’s business venture

 9.    A motivator of people. Someone who make things happen. They have good communication skill. Some folks just have this ability to get people moving in unison to accomplish a goal. They can explain things in ways that people understand, that resonate with them, that get them excited. 

You'd jump through hoops of fire for them. Well, maybe not that, but you get the point. They have executive presence. We say they're born leaders, but in reality, they're just skills we develop along the way.

 10.    Decision-making. If you ask different people what decision-making is all about, you'll get different answers. Mostly you'll get vague notions about decisiveness and leadership. Decision-making isn't just about being decisive. 

Don’t be too much on a hurry. The trust person will become the strongest and richest person on the long run. You have to make the right decisions. That comes down to probing, listening, reasoning, and knowing when to trust your gut. Doing that well is the most important aspect of management, hands down.

 11.    Leadership Skills: The ability to develop a vision for the company and to inspire employees to pursue it is imperative for success. You must be ready, available and fitted. Don’t make a mistake of demanding trust from other people when building trust but demand it from yourself. Remember, leaders are also a server.

12.    Adaptability. We live and work in a fast-paced world. Managers have to be flexible, capable of adapting on the fly to changing conditions. If you can't adapt, you'll never last. You won't be able to face the obstacles that competitive markets throw at you and, not just persevere, but come out on top. And you won't be effective working with a diverse group of peers and executives, either.

 13.    Initiative. I became a supervisor in my teens, a manager in my twenties, and a senior executive of a midsized public company in my thirties. How did that happen? Mostly, it was initiative. I literally went out looking for the toughest and highest visibility tasks, stuck my neck out, and went for it. Senior executives love that sort of thing.

 14.    Top-down management style. Command and control style management isn't popular these days. Whatever. Call it what you want, getting things done is all about setting the right goals, determining how best to achieve them, and getting everyone executing like their lives depend on it. that is ‘top-down management’. 

When you're young, we want to see you move heaven and earth and make things happen. There will be plenty of time to smooth out your rough edges later.

 15.    The Entrepreneurial Mind: What makes an entrepreneur? While every entrepreneur and startup success story is unique in its own right, there are a few characteristics and qualities that span the entrepreneurial mind. 

Take a look at some common traits and the entrepreneurs who have embodied them throughout the years. Perseverance, Conviction, Hope, Optimistic, Passion, Drive, Conquer procrastination. Remember, Procrastination is a lazy apology.

While the goal is always success, accomplished entrepreneurs must be prepared to move on to the next venture should one not work out.

"I have not failed," Thomas Edison once said. "I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work."


 Entrepreneurship is an alternative solution to unemployment

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