
Monday, February 24, 2014



This scale is designed to assess the degree to which you are romantic or realistic in your attitudes toward love.

No matter what anyone says, love cannot be understood.

When selecting a marriage partner, differences in social class and religion are of small importance compared with love.
Love come only once in a life time.

Love is a violent and incontrollable emotion.

When you are in love your judgment is not too clear.

Most divorces probably result from falling out of love rather than falling to adjust.

Regardless of others factors, if you truly love another person, that is a good enough reason to marry that person.

Usually you can really love to be happy with only one or two people in the world.

As long as you really love a person, you will be able to solve the problems you have with the person.

When you are in love, it really does matter what your partner does because you will love him or her anyway.

Love “at first sight” is often the deepest and most enduring type of love.

When you are in love you usually in a daze.

When you fall “head over heal” in love, it is sure to be the real thing.

Common interest are really unimportant; as long as each of you is truly in love, you will adjust.

It doesn’t matter if you have know your partner for only a short time as long as you are in love.

To be in love with someone you would like to marry but can’t is a tragedy.

Love is best described as an exciting rather than a calm thing.

When you are in love, you are motivated by what  you feel rather than by what you think.

Jealousy usually varies directly with love, that is the more you are in love, the greater your tendency to become jealous will be.

In most cases you be will “know it” you will know it when meet the right partner.

Somewhere there is an ideal mate for most people.

Most people truly love only once in their lives.

If you are going to love a person you will “know” after a short time.

As long as two people love each other, the educational differences they have really do not matter.

You can love someone even though you do not like any of that person friends.

people should not get married unless they are in love.

Love is more of a filling than a relationship.

When you are in love, it’s the most glorious two and a half days of your life.

When lovers are agreed, not even their parents can control them.

To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life is already three parts dead.

Anyone who limits her vision to memories of yesterday is already dead.

We come in different sizes so get over it.
Marriage is like gift in this-that it is a field of battle and not a bed of rose.(Robert Louis Steverson)
I open my heart for a fresh infusion of God's healing love.
The heart symbolizes the center of divine love. Through the love in our hearts we are moved to forgive, to serve others without reservation, to work unselfishly for the good of humankind.

Divine love heals and blesses. In the stillness of prayer, I draw God's healing love into my heart. If I have let hurt or fear build a wall around my heart, I muster the courageous to let divine love fill me and deflect any pain or suffering. Nothing can rob me of the joy of giving and receiving love; nothing can block its flow. A heart full of love knows no fear. I am a magnet for love that draws more of itself to me; I am a mirror that reflects God's love out into the world.

Hay the best medicine for all types of sickness is a mothers kea....mum i love u so much you are 1 in a million the best of your kind...blessed are you among women’s..
tries stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses. --Proverbs 10:12


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