
Thursday, July 4, 2019

If you truly want happiness in life take note of this

Learn to ignore and overlook many things if you truly want happiness in life because the easiest way to a miserable life is to think that everybody is talking about you.

Never allow anyone to steal your joy from you.

What people say behind your back is none of your business as long as you are true to yourself. Never worry yourself about that.

Sometimes minding your own business does not keep people out of your business.

No matter your situation in life people will always talk. You can never stop people from talking about you, what you can do is to stop giving them what to talk about.

There is a time limit for every rumor in life. Never allow freelance broadcasters to put your life on hold. Do what makes you happy. Anyone who cannot feel your pain has no right to judge you in life. Seventy percent of those who talk bad about you behind your back, wish to be like you.

When people can't be like you they try to bring you down and condemn what you have. Those without money will sarcastically say money is not everything in life. (Is poverty anything?)

Never allow anyone to put you in a position of depression and self-pity in life. Those whose life has no joy will always find every means to remove happiness from other people's life.

 If there is the GRACE of GOD in your life, then enemies are inevitable. If no one has ever gossiped or talked bad about you, it means nothing good has ever happened to you.

Never feel bad when old friends become new enemies. They are just tired of pretending to be friends.

Never allow the opinions of people who didn't see your tears stop your laughter in life. 😬You don't owe anybody an explanation to be happy.

Never see yourself through the eyes of those who don't value you.
To be beautiful means to be yourself. To stand out is to be outstanding. You do not need to be accepted by others. You just need to accept yourself.

Never beg anyone to accept you for who you are. Anything you acquire through begging will require begging to maintain or retain.

Be humble but selective. Being selective doesn't mean you are arrogant or proud. It simply means you know your worth. If you are conscious of your personality avoid too much familiarity.

Sometimes when you treat people too much like celebrities, they end up treating you like an ordinary person. You are equally important.

Never downgrade yourself while trying to upgrade anybody in life. Anyone who sees you like an option doesn't deserve to be a priority in your life.

The dream of a fool is for everybody to become a bloody fool like himself.  Avoid negative people if you have a dream. Those without mission will say your vision is just an illusion.

Negative minds will never give you a positive life. Anyone who is always reminding you about what is wrong with you has a personal problem which he/she wants to take out on you.

Most people spend half of their entire life analyzing the faults in other people's lives when their own lives need urgent repairs.

Never worry yourself about enemies and friends, because everybody in your life will eventually fall into one of the two categories.

 Some will hate you and some will love you. Loving you or hating you are both in your favor. When people love you, you live peacefully and happily in their hearts,  and when people hate you, you become the landlord in their head living painfully in their brain every day and giving them sleepless nights.
Be a Blessing to someone!

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Live Your Dream and Follow Your Natural Given Talents

given, talent,
Following your natural given talents will guide you to a career that inspires you as well as everyone around you thereby making you live your dream by doing what you love every day. 
The fact that your parents spent many years of their life slogging away at a job they dislike, does not imply that you have to follow the same step. Everyone has given talents and natural ability.

If one is committed to the wrong career, it can have long term effects on him/her personal life in terms of happiness, lifestyle, health, and even social life. Therefore, think carefully before diving into any venture or accept any offer. You do not have to sacrifice your natural given talents just to please someone or just to meet the expectations of your peers, parents, etc. This is because no matter how much effort you invest in your career or the amount of time spent, it will not bring you fulfillment in life like following your natural given talent.

For instance, the choice is yours to choose what to study for your career, you are expected to make a choice at least at the age of eighteen as the case may be. Although the majority don’t know what they want at this age. As a result, most people follow their friends into the materialistic dream life. We need not be confused about our life passions with our possessions. The effect of not knowing your natural given talent will make life becomes very boring for you and it is not so easy just to jump out when you are depressed.

The long-term effects of working outside your natural given preference and ability will reduce your performance drastically, it may also cause you to stress yourself unnecessarily making you ill in some cases. This may result in depression, burn out, and exhaustion in the long run. Find a job that energizes and inspires you, where you can use your natural given talents to gives your life a sense of purpose. Live your dream and follow your natural given talents. You don’t have to be someone else or be like your friends, parents or relative, just be yourself and slave away from little or no return for your emotional well-being.

Once you discover your natural given talent then it is up to you to find out what your primary goal in life is so as to maximize your natural given talent.

 Be honest to describe exactly what you can do naturally and completely. Don't fudge or list what you can’t do. This is the only way you will get to know your natural given talent and satisfactory yourself. After all, if you cheat on your answers, who are you cheating? Go look in the mirror, and think about it.
In the working world, there are many offers and incentives such as money, recognition, securities, and opportunities to keep you there. Many people feel smothered and trapped by their careers and fear to take that vital step to financial freedom. Time, energy and money are all factors to take into consideration when making such a big decision. After all, a great deal of money has been invested in establishing your career and many feel this would be a waste of time.

Don't be discouraged from using your natural given talent/ability to help the people around you. However small it may be to you, you have it so as to give it as a gift to others.
Talents/Gifts/Natural ability is given so as to give it back again to others. Any gift given to you naturally is to be multiplied in different ways. Think not of the cost or what you have sacrificed in other to improve your given talent but think only of the possibilities and benefit of being a help to others. The invitation to receive is to give. So, give that you may receive.