
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

What if you make your own beauty products?

beauty product, make up, make your own product

With the huge range of beauty products on the shelves, why do some people still make their own beauty products?

I started making my own skin care products years ago. I got a book about natural skin care. You can actually make masks out of mashed fruit. They are really messy though, but back then, I was really broke. Could not afford to spend on good skin care so I made do with what I could get.
I mashed watermelon and put in on my face. My face felt really clean, but there was a bit of a rash after that. I also read that papaya was used in spas for back exfoliating masks. In fact, the enzymes in papayas and pineapples are often used to exfoliate the skin. These can be rather harsh though, so I never tried that on my face.

One thing led to another. I moved on to make my own creams. I went through a period of time where everybody lotion I tried from the stores, from the cheap ones to the $20 ones, made my skin itch. That prompted me to make my own body cream.

The cream recipes I found were mainly for cold cream. These were really heavy, oil based stuff. I wanted something lighter. A water-based lotion.

A cream is basically droplets of water suspended in oil, kept in that state by an emulsifier. For my creams, I used beeswax as an emulsifier.

I experimented in the kitchen. After plenty of failed experiments. I finally came up with lotion in a texture I simply loved.

A lotion is made of droplets of oil suspended in water, kept together by an emulsifier. I used lecithin for my lotion. Here are some of the lotions I made.

By varying the water-based part, using rosewater or tea instead of plain water, you can make all sorts of lotions. Likewise, you can play around with the oil part of the formula, with various infused oils, or a few drops of different essential oils, to change the lotion or cream. You can make tailor your beauty products to your personal tastes, and needs.

I had lots of fun with that. My skin loved these homemade creams when they were fresh.

I even made a batch tailored especially for a cousin, using ingredients that she loves

Yet, I have since stopped making them.


Laziness is the main reason. Lack of time is another reason.

So much care must go into making the lotions which don't keep. For me, even if I keep the lotions refrigerated, 2 days after making the lotion, if I use it on my face, my skin breaks out. 3 days later, if I use it on my body, my skin itches.

Preservatives are put in commercial skin care products to prevent these from spoiling. Without preservatives, bacteria, mold and all these nasty things multiply rapidly, spoiling the entire batch, causing nasty reactions on the skin. These homemade beauty products don't have preservatives. That meant that I had to make new batches of skincare almost every day.

Also, care must be taken to ensure all the equipment is sterile so the final product is safe to use. Carelessness could introduce lots of nasty germs into the beauty products you make. The water and oil component must be heated to the same temperature and drops of one are added to the other while mixing thoroughly or the batch might separate.

It is so much more convenient to buy beauty products from brands that agree with my skin condition than to make them from scratch. That is what I have been doing lately. Plus the unknown skincare lines are way better than what I can make. I mean, with their R & D budgets, they can afford to do plenty of research on creating the most effective beauty products for virtually any beauty need.

Effective Make-up and Beauty Tips and Products: Do's and Don

make-up, beauty tips
With the amount of importance given to make-up these days, many women just tend to do a bit too much. Getting the right make-up for the particular occasion is the call of the entire womanhood. But beauty shouldn't be misinterpreted as just by carrying a beautiful face.

An overall healthy body reflects eternal beauty which one should be longing for. The idea is to look younger and FEEL YOUNGER.

Here is some precious makeup Do's and Dont's which one should know very well before applying makeup.

* Find the formula that meets your skin's needs and your lifestyle. Though, it isn't that hard also to get it right. Generally, we apply make-up in a hurry and we tend to ignore this vital part.

* Women generally don't wash their brushes as they are always busy applying their makeup.(Hey, Nothing against women :-), relax!). Brushes should be washed properly and allowed to be dried naturally.

* Special care should be taken while applying and even after applying lipstick. Don't stain your teeth with lipstick. It really looks gross!

* Never use your mascara more than twice. It will definitely look clogged.

* Last but not the least, don't forget to take off all the make-up from your face once you go to bed especially from and near your eyes.


beauty, wellness, makeup, self-esteem
Beauty comes from within, we as women can wear all the makeup we want and yes it can make a difference as far as self-esteem, enhance our features, improve the look of our skin. But if the body is not healthy due to being obese, certain organ dis-stress, the body can be out of balance in Mind-Body and Spirit.

There are certain Holistic modalities that are used in my practice to bring about balance and our Wingspan Wellness Weekends, enhance the healing due to rest, relaxation, and concentration on self.

Renate Bodden is a Doctor of Naturopathy, Reiki Master, and certified Yoga Instructor. Renate resides in Houston, Texas, and is very passionate about Wellness, her Holistic Health modalities include Kinesiology, Nutrition, Bach Flower Therapy, Reiki Therapeutic body Treatment, and Yoga.

A thing of beauty is a joy forever! And that can be You!

beauty, love, joy
It is said that a thing of beauty is a joy forever. That probably explains why possessing beauty and being beautiful is one of the foremost preoccupations of human beings. Over the years, consumerism has transformed such preoccupations into a frank obsession. Inner beauty is no longer in – skin-deep beauty certainly is! But what is wrong with that?

Cosmetology and the beauty industry have come of age, aided steadily by advances in cosmetic surgery. Daily workouts, gym sessions, visits to beauty parlors and keeping in sync with beauty and fashion tips have certainly become trendy.

Enhancing your beauty.

Beauty is in the eye of its beholder. Perfect beauty is but an illusion, but if you can feel good about yourself by enhancing your looks, you may find more joy in your life. And it is not too difficult to achieve. The media is full of beauty tips and beauty products. Beauty supplies are always at hand – be it at the Shopping Mall or on the Net.

However, it is beautiful to be simple and yet simple to be beautiful. One can surely start from ones home itself. Maintain a regulated lifestyle. Six to eight hours of sleep with fixed times for fixed quantity meals, avoidance of "junk" food and high-calorie stuff, lots of fluid intakes, a high priority for vitamin-rich fruits and a rigid regime of self-discipline, would certainly make a good start in ones quest for beauty.

Monday, April 16, 2018

20 Small Business Tips, For Success

small business, start up business, business plan,
These are just some general tips to keep in mind as you design/operate your small business:

1. Take the time out to explore and understand whether or not you are compatible with running our own business. Some people are just plain happier and better off financially on the other end of the paycheck.

2.Get your personal finances in order. Before you jump into the entrepreneurship world, get your own money matters squared away.

3. Pick your niche. Many small business owners succeed in businesses that are hardly unique or innovative. Take stock of your skills, interests, and employment history to select the business that is best suited for you.

4. Benefit from your business plan. The exercise of creating a business plan is what pays the dividends. Answer the tough questions now before the meter starts running.

5. Do not think you need bankers and investors at the outset of your business. The vast majority of small businesses are bootstrapped.

6. Acquire the proper background. In the early months and years of your business, you will have to acquire many skills. Gain the background you need to oversee all facets of your business well, but determine what tasks you should outsource or hire employees.

7. Remember that nothing happens until a sale is made – How many good products go nowhere because they do not reach the shelves? Sales drive your business. You will need a good marketing plan to sell your product or service.

8. You have to see a customer to know one. No matter how busy you are, spend at least 25% of your time with customers. You cannot make the proper business decision without understanding their viewpoint.

9. Solve your customers’ problems. The best way to satisfy your customers is not by selling them products but by giving solutions to their problems. There is a big difference.

10.Quality takes minutes to lose but years to regain. Quality is not a destination, it is a never-ending journey. After you have strayed from quality’s path, your journey maybe sidetracked forever.

11. Put profitability first, rewards seconds. In small businesses, profitability must come first. Find out how to measure your cash flow and understand key financial ratios.

12. Hire supporters. If you intend to create a growing business, your number one duty is to assemble a great team of employees.

13. Do not do it alone. Find such help from small business peers, a mentor, even trade associations. They can help take some of the trial and error of beginning your business.
14. Vendors are partners too! Treat your vendors like customers and watch your partnership grow.

15. Make use of benefits. Understand how to provide insurance and other benefits for your employees and cut your tax bill at the same time.

16. Ignore regulatory issues at your peril. Federal, state, and local governments require licenses, registrations, and permits. Obey them or face losing your business.

17. Know the tax laws. Invest in understanding tax issues that affect your small business.

18. It’s the people! Whatever happens to a small business happens at the hands of the people who work for it. The evolution of the business is a result of their efforts.

19. Fast, good, cheap. Pick any two. Serious trouble awaits those who attempt to be all three in the marketplace. Stick with what you do best.

20. Develop a passion for learning. As your business grows, you need to change and grow along with it. One common denominator can be found in all successful business owners and that is a passion for learning. 

DO you need a business plan for your startup business? Contact Marcus at Fiverr HERE.

3 Essential Tools for Starting and Maintaining a Small Business

We believe that there are 3 factors that drive the success of small businesses.

1) Acquiring start-up capital
2) Finding customers
3) Accounting for, budgeting and controlling sales and expenses

The following resources will help your small business achieve these success factors.

Acquiring Start-Up Capital 

An adequate supply of capital is essential as many profitable businesses fail because they don’t have enough cash to pay their employees and suppliers. But what is an adequate supply of capital? The only way to tell is by doing a significant amount of research on your potential market and formally documenting this in a business plan. I’m sure you know that a business plan is a very important document that is crucial to convincing your banker to lend you money.

There are two ways to obtain a business plan.

1) Do it yourself by amending a business plan template, or
2) Hire a professional to do it for you.

Obviously, if you are in need of loan you will need a professional to do it for you so as to have perfect financial forecast. The financial section is one of the most important parts of a business plan, once you get it wrong it will be difficult for a lender to buy to your offer because investors or lender will like to know how you have a plan to spend the money they will lend you.

Our research led to a website that has over 60 high quality and free business plan templates. We also found a directory that you can use to easily find a business plan writer in your city.

Finding Customers
Finding customers is a difficult and expensive task for service business owners such as accountants, lawyers, and plumbers. We believe that a cost-effective marketing strategy for service business owners is to simply give all their personal contacts a few business cards.

Our research led to a few websites that have pre-designed business card templates. We felt that the diversity and quality of these designs were outstanding. In addition, we found that you can obtain a significant saving by finding a printing service on the Internet. We found that you could get 2,000 full-color business cards for as little as $150.

Accounting For, Budgeting and Controlling Revenue and Expenses

Accurate accounting is very important for small business owners. It’s essential that you have timely access to information that could make or break your business. If stocks are running low – you need to know about it. If a large proportion of your debtors haven’t paid – you need to know about it. If you do not react to these situations quickly you may have a situation where you don’t have enough money to pay your employees – or worse still someone is stealing cash out the till.

Our research led to a website that compares and reviews top accounting software for small businesses. The cheapest software cost $89.99 and the most expensive software cost $1,499. It was interesting to note that the top 3 ranked websites were not the most expensive and cost between $250 - US $300.

Hopefully, you now have an idea of some of the tools that you can use to grow and maintain your small business. If you would like to benefit from our research please visit our website. We do not charge for this research and offer the content freely on our website.

Are you in need of a professional to write a catchy business plan for you? Contact Marcus on Fiverr HERE

Friday, April 13, 2018

Unexplainable adoration

Truly, men think so...or is it 'love' at first sight? By what method can a lady or man 'truly' know?

In the event that a lady supposes it is 'all-consuming, instant adoration', she may have discovered an extraordinarily 'hot' fellow who coordinates her optimal social persona 'get'. In the event that this person really knows how to be a characteristic, all ladies will need him and she should battle with others to 'keep him' (I can show you to be this man).

Generally, the vast majority of them have all the earmarks of being very exhausting in light of the fact that they attempt to awe her and don't 'get it'. In any case, when managing 'unexplainable adoration', yes it may be, yet then longer-term elements begin to soak in and sort of ruin it.

Magnificence is in the eye of the beholder, I mean, the viewer.

'All consuming, instant adoration' is typically just perceptually based if not completely. Nobody can coordinate in a perfect world to one individual's desire of their identity or who they ought to be. When you discover more about them, you will be frustrated in what you thought they were. Perceive how egotistical we as individuals truly seem to be?!

In the end, you experience the hardships of a 'genuine' relationship and once in a while will everything work out impeccably where the general population is a genuine match (in any event in our exceedingly created, obstinate, individualistic social society).

You are just tossing your observation or goals on who you surmise that individual is or ought to be (I have done this a considerable measure previously). We need a man to be the perfect match for what WE figure they ought to be. Frequently if not constantly, we discover they are not really what we romanticized and afterward are somewhat disillusioned. A genuine relationship will take a considerable measure of work and significantly more work than two 'less difficult' individuals.

In the event that you can start fascination soon after you meet a lady, there is a more practical shot she will feel further feelings for you than her social persona (of what states what she says she needs) and she will regularly excuse your different qualms as long as you comprehend characteristic fascination.

This is in reality exceptionally liberal of her since now, folks (path) underneath her level physically really have a shot. The procedure of fascination is marginally extraordinary for men and ladies.

Men will frequently in a split second exclude ladies for a sexual relationship in light of their looks (ahem), while ladies keep a receptive outlook to see who knows how to affect them the sentiments that they react to so intensely physiologically and inwardly. They are occupied with a keeps an eye on character properties since that are things that can be of enthusiasm for the whole deal.

These sentiments have an organic root which she can't pick or control. This is the reason a normal looking person who 'get's it' can have even more a possibility that an attractive person who effortlessly substantiates himself wrong to her immediately.

She will despise that the vast majority of her partners don't 'get it' yet, however, will be available to beginning something with a man who at long last can simply 'lead her through' the regular procedure of attraction...then frequently sex 'simply happened' or she got 'cleared away'..this is how it should be and that she fantasizes about (and peruses in those sappy romance books).

Try not to be thrown off by what a lady says she needs in the event that you are not that social impression of her awareness yourself, she is customized organically to respond to men who are genuine naturals with her or who show parts of being a whiz. Try not to let that stop you. Her organic legacy (when coupled with a genuine normal man) will supersede ANY social programming she may have, as long as he keeps up evident congruency and doesn't 'mess it up'.

On the off chance that you are a characteristic you likely won't botch it when you are achieving that piece of her (there is substantially more mercy here). On the off chance that you are 'strolling on eggshells' by endeavoring to be 'qualified' by her social persona, it's basically a certification you'll spoil it even with any little movement. Take the very closure of 'Watercraft Trip' where Roselyn Sanchez says to the wussy Cuba Gooding, Jr. character, "alright, however, you BETTER not mess it up."

Beyond any doubt, the motion picture closes with a kiss however who has the control here? Whose the truth would he say he is in? All consuming, instant adoration, however, he is situated in the wrong worldview of 'being' that he WILL botch it due to the power flow and a few different elements (she is in charge by a long shot).

Truth be told, you will nearly set aside the whole thought of 'all-consuming, instant adoration' since it's excessively romance for you (despite the fact that you may covertly keep that fantasy alive); however you comprehend reality somewhat more, that distinctive associations with various ladies will give you diverse encounters.

Obviously, you might know about desire at first sight with ladies you see most wherever you go, yet you truly need to become more acquainted with her more to discover her identity, else it is all fair recognition.

On the off chance that you can create yourself to look comparable to you can and get your interior worldview and life straight and clear, at that point you can normally quicken the way toward pulling in ladies and beginning things with little exertion. Your spotlight should be on creating yourself and living in a characteristic worldview while preventing all from securing the perceptual B.S. that is going on. Be a fascinating and charming man and enhance yourself; HAVE a comment ladies who are sufficiently fortunate.

Your 'all-consuming, instant adoration' from their perspective just happens in the event that you coordinate their social perfect (and customary perfect of Prince Charming) and afterward know how to take everything from there...then all ladies will need you. You don't need to be Prince Charming..that is another article, however, recollect how you identify with her says everything. She should be turned up like a volume handle and you need to connect with her to start the procedure of sexual fascination and her advantage will develop in you...through time, may prompt fixation, adore, incredible regard, commitment, energy, and so on from her.

It is all by the way you identify with her so don't give careful consideration to having Brad Pitt looks, with Soros' bank account...that's the same as you need to date a supermodel, aside from you most likely have a superior possibility than she does to meet your optimal in light of the fact that there are so a couple of men left who truly get it and are an awesome catch in their own right (with some decent economic wellbeing to boot).

There are innumerable excellent ladies. The preferred standpoint and support are in YOUR grasp. There are a couple of men left who are magnificent gets AND who know how to manage these ladies. Influence ladies to need you just by being your actual self consistently; a fascinating, interesting, extraordinary person and know how to take it from that point (I can help you there too).

Need write up that will make visitors keep coming back to your website/blog? Contact Shellyservices on Fiverr.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

An Effective guide to dating

People in long-term relationships, whether they are married or dating, often complain about getting into a rut. Your relationship may have started off with the great burst of passion and excitement but perhaps it began to wane because life is busy and work can wear you out by the end of the day.

If you're in a dating relationship that seems to be in a rut or wonder why you can't keep a long-term relationship exciting anymore, perhaps you need to go back to the beginning. That doesn't mean you need to break up with your current partner and find someone new, it means you need to refresh the relationship with exciting and spontaneous activities.

When you look back on a period of your life, what is it that you remember? Is it the average day-in, day-out activities? Not likely. It is more likely those fun and spur-of-the-moment times when you did things that were hilarious or scary or new. That's what it means to go back to the beginning of a relationship when everything you do is spontaneous and new.

Next time you and your girlfriend or boyfriend are deciding to do something on Friday, don't settle for dinner-and-a-movie. Do something different! Here are some ideas:

  • Play paintball
  • Rent a classic car
  • Go skydiving
  • Have a picnic

Or surprise your date with something spontaneous:

Start a water fight
Go for a romantic boat ride and tip the boat
Blindfold your date and take them somewhere they never been
Surprise your date at work just as they're finishing up for the day

Relationships fail for many reasons. One of the saddest reasons is that people simply drift apart because the other person doesn't excite them anymore. It doesn't have to be that you're your relationship, whether dating or married, can thrive when it is filled with adventures that the two of you share as you build memories together.

You'll look back on your time together with fondness as you consider the many fun and spontaneous things you did together. But doing those things is a choice. Choose to return to the beginning of your relationship and have fun again!

Do you need a creative writer to help you with unique and original content for your website? Contact shellyservice on Fiverr

After the best advice relating to wedding vows

When you're after top information about wedding vows, it will be intricate separating quality information from poorly sourced wedding vows suggestions or help so it's astute to know how to moderate the advice you are presented with.

Find wedding vows
Your relevant result is a click away!

Here are a few pieces of advice that we think you should use when you're seeking information about wedding vows. Please be aware that any recommendation we may offer is only applicable to internet-based information regarding wedding vows. We do not offer you any guidance or advice when you are also conducting research offline.

Look for wedding vows
Find wedding vows at one of the best sites the Internet has to offer!

A good hint to track when offered help or advice concerning a wedding vows website is to research who is behind the website. This may show you the people behind the site wedding vows identifications The easiest way to work out who is at the back of the wedding vows website is to look on the 'about' page or the sites 'contact' page.

Any reputable site providing information about wedding vows will almost certainly provide an 'about' webpage which will list the owner's details. The particulars should reveal a number of key indications about the website owner's expertise. This enables you to make an assessment of the webmaster's training and understanding, to advise people on the subject of wedding vows.

Abused Spouses: How Divorce May Affect Your Green Card Chances

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), passed into law in 1994 and amended in 2001, provides hope for immigrant abuse survivors. Under U.S. immigration law, immigrants may obtain a green card ("U.S. permanent residence”) by marrying a U.S. citizen (USC). The USC must, however under the normal course, petition U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (CIS, formerly known as “INS”) for an immigrant visa and a green card application for his/her immigrant spouse based on the marriage. 

But this process is not always easy on the immigrant – in many instances, it provides one of the most abusive ways a sponsoring spouse can exercise control over the immigrant, by holding the immigrant's tentative immigration status over her. 

This is where VAWA helps. Abused immigrants who are married to a U.S. citizen or Lawful Permanent Residents may now petition on their own for an immigrant visa and green card application, without the abuser's knowledge or consent. 

However, one of the recurring problems and questions that come up in these abused spouse cases is what happens to the immigrant’s chances for a green card if the abuser goes through on his threat and files for divorce? 

Similarly, how is her green card chances affected if the immigrant files for divorce, herself? 

Filing for relief under VAWA may still be possible even if divorce proceedings have begun or even if the divorce is final. A divorced immigrant who was subject to extreme cruelty from his or her legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen spouse may apply for an immigrant visa as an abused spouse (eventually leading to a green card) if the petition is filed with CIS (INS) within 2 years following any final divorce decree. 

Thus, if the immigrant is already divorced, s/he can still file for VAWA protection, but only if the divorce is 2 years old or less at the time it is filed and can prove that the abuse was related to the reason for or was the reason for the divorce, itself. 

The divorced immigrant must still prove the basic elements of a VAWA self-petition including having a real marriage (i.e., not a marriage entered into for immigration purposes) as well as prove that s/he lived with the abuser when they were married at some point. 

This provision allowing for divorce immigrants to file applies to all cases that were still being decided by CIS or filed on or after October 28, 2000. There are exceptions to this date, however, so an immigrant in this situation should contact an immigration attorney who regularly deals with VAWA (Violence Against Women cases) to determine if she is eligible to file for immigration protection under VAWA. 

If an abused immigrant spouse chooses to not file a VAWA-based immigrant visa petition and chooses to rely on her spouse to sponsor her, if the spouse fails to sponsor her or the case the spouse filed is not approved by the time the divorce is final, that case will be denied and the immigrant will have to start over with either a VAWA-based immigrant visa (if eligible) or some other potential immigrant visa or will be stuck without the means to obtain a green card. 

If an immigrant believes that her spouse is going to file for divorce or has already filed for a divorce and has a case based on her spouse's sponsorship currently being decided by INS (CIS), there may be a way to save the green card (adjustment of status) application that is attached to her spouse's immigrant visa filing and file for VAWA immigrant visa to protect herself from her spouse’s threats, and retain her work card and travel authorization instead of having to start all over again with a new green card application.  
See below!

Lol. Reno Omokri captions photo of aides saying goodbye to president Buhari at the airport...

Beyonce's mum, Tina Lawson celebrates her third wedding anniversary with Richard Lawson

It's the third year wedding anniversary of Tina Lawson and actor Richard Lawson and Beyonce's mum took to Instagram to mark the special day.

Tina divorced Beyonce's dad, Matthew Knowles, after he cheated on her and got multiple women pregnant. She went on to marry her long-time actor friend Richard Lawson and they've been together for 3 years.
Celebrating their anniversary, Tina wrote: "Cannot believe it has been 3 years since we did the damn thing !!!! Walking on air ???? I love you with my whole being and you feed my soul????Happy Anniversary Baby????"

NYSC members will now be posted to farms – FCT Coordinator, Bello Ballama

The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) says it will include farming and crop production as part of the one-year primary assignment for corps members from the next service year.

According to Bello Ballama, the NYSC FCT Coordinator, in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria, said the move was to help address corps rejection by some corps employers through the engagement of more corps members in all aspects of farming and crop production.
The coordinator said that the move was also aimed at boosting the NYSC Skills Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development (SAED) Programme.Ballam said the scheme was, therefore, putting all its farms in good condition in readiness for corps members to commence its use.

“Corps members will be involved in all aspects of farming and crop production. This will not only support skills acquisition of NYSC but also governments plan of boosting agricultural production to improve self-reliance and achieve national growth and development. From this 2018 Batch ‘A’ Stream I set of corps members who are commencing orientation on April 19, we are going to look into all the farm formations and centres to be able to post corps members there. 

We have farms in the FCT and many other states of the country; the present leadership of the scheme is poised to ensuring the revival of all NYSC facilities including the farms. The NYSC is faced with the challenge of engaging the increasing number of corps members mobilised every year. We, therefore, have to take proactive steps towards achieving our mandate and supporting the federal government’s plans for youth development,” he said.

He said that the scheme was still faced with the challenge of corps members being rejected by organisations they were posted to carry out their one-year primary assignment.

The coordinator said that in spite of discussion the scheme had with corps employers not to reject corps members, the NYSC was still faced with the problem every year. He said that some corps employers do not provide accommodation and transportation to corps members who are left to suffer harsh living conditions.

EFCC Arrests 4 Yahoo boys With Charms and Luxury Cars (Photos)

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, Lagos Zonal office, on Saturday, April 7, 2018, arrested four suspected Internet fraudsters. The suspects are Ale Daniel, Tunde Badmus, Adams Tunde Adedeji and Ajiboye Gbenga.

The quartet was arrested in the Lekki area of Lagos State for various offenses bordering on cyber crimes and money laundering.
Their arrest followed intelligence report received by the Commission about their activities alleging that they were living flamboyantly without known sources of income. Items recovered from them, include exotic cars and charms.

See Photos below:

The four suspects standing in front of their exotic cars

Speaking on the renewed clampdown on Internet fraudsters, the Lagos Zonal Head of the Commission, Akanninyene Ezima, said: “It is to checkmate the activities of these undisciplined elements who want to reap where they did not sow. By this action, we are also sending a red alert to the so-called yahoo-yahoo boys that engaging in fraudulent deeds does not pay.”

He also urged landlords, particularly in gated communities, to always carry out background checks on their tenants so as not to unwittingly run foul of Section 3 (Three) of the Advance Fee Fraud and Other Fraud Related Offences Act 2006, which says, “A person who, being the occupier or is concerned in the management of any premises, causes or knowingly permits the premises to be used for any purpose which constitutes an offence under this Act commits an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term of not more than 15 years and not less than five years without the option of a fine.”

The suspects will soon be charged to court as soon as investigations are concluded.

At 6, Blue Ivy Has Own Stylist & Personal Shopper

She is a member of music world royalty. So it is little surprise Beyonce and Jay-Z's six-year-old daughter Blue Ivy enjoys the spoils of her famous family as it has been revealed she is assisted in all her style needs by her own personal shopper and stylist.
The Formation singer and her husband are often accompanied by high-profile events by their oldest child Blue and the couple ensure she's always looking her best with the help of Manuel Mendez

Manuel has been working for Beyonce's Parkwood Entertainment since 2009 and the 36-year-old star's representative confirmed the news.

Speaking to Women's Wear Daily, it was revealed that the employee - who is also a personal assistant to the Formation hitmaker - is tasked with being Blue Ivy's stylist and personal shopper.

Some of the outfits he has crafted for the youngster include the custom white Valery Kovalska tuxedo pantsuit she wore to this year's Grammy Awards and the Billie Blush dress she wore in her 48-year-old father's 'Family Feud' video.

Conor McGregor Could Be Banned From US...

MMA fighter Conor McGregor could be barred from reentering the US if he's convicted in a rampage against a rival's tour bus, according to experts.

Irish citizen McGregor, 29, was arrested on Thursday night in Brooklyn and charged with one count of felony criminal mischief and three counts of assault after the Barclays Center rampage.
He was caught on video hurling a hand truck through the window of a moving bus in an incident in which there were some injuries.

Whether or not the incident affects McGregor's future ability to enter and work in the US will all depend on how the court process plays out, and how skillfully his lawyers respond, said Scott Bratton, a partner at Magaret W. Wong & Associates immigration law firm who is not connected to the case.

'If he's convicted of a crime of moral turpitude, it could have implications for his ability to come back, and it may make it very difficult to come back' to the US, Bratton told

7-Year-Old Girl Loses Control Of Bladder After Repeatedly Being Raped By 40-Year Old Man

A seven-year-old girl has completely lost control of her bladder, repeatedly urinating on herself after being sexually violated by a 40-year-old neighbour who calls her ‘my wife.’

The incident, which occurred at Ilupeju PalmGroove area, Lagos State, on Tuesday, has sent shockwaves down the spines of many, who saw the suspect, identified as Baba Michael as a responsible man.
The suspect, a commercial bus driver, is said to have a four-month-old son and lives with his uncle. The baby was the attraction for the victim.

Whenever the girl goes to visit the baby, the suspect would take advantage of her. Nobody would have known about the atrocity, if not that the girl repeatedly urinated on her body during the examination.

The school management suspecting sexual violation alerted Child Protection Network. When the girl urinated on herself during an examination, one of her classmates alerted their class teacher. The victim’s mother, Mrs Ka- 18 Soldier flees from Boko Haram war, steals the car in Lagos Deserter faya Lawal, said that it was her daughter’s class teacher, who informed her about her daughter’s bladder control problem.

“She urinated on herself in the class during exams. It was her classmate, sitting close to her, that first noticed her unusual behaviour. “When her teacher sent for me, she said she thought it was the exam anxiety that made her urinate on her body. She allowed her to continue with her exams. But a few minutes later, she urinated again.

The teacher and headmaster asked me if she had been bedwetting before then, I told them it was long she stopped. It was then I knew something was terribly wrong with my daughter. I started weeping,” the mother said. She explained that the headmaster further asked her the person that was fond of sending the victim on errands in their compound, but she couldn’t think of a single person. Lawal had always encouraged her children to be respectful and run errands for people older than them.

She added: “Before I got to her school, the management had invited Child Protection Network, a human rights group. After much interrogation, my daughter confessed that it was Baba Michael, our neighbour, who defiled her. Baba Michael just moved into our compound two months ago. He lives with his uncle and four-month-old baby.

It is my daughter that usually takes care of the little baby. She also used to run errands for the man. I didn’t know something like that was happening right under my nose. However, I noticed that the man usually calls all young girls in the compound his wife.”

After revealing her ordeal, the victim was taken to Mirabel Centre, at Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), where it was confirmed she had been defiled. The Child Protection Network Coordinator, Comrade Toyin Okanlawon, said that when they received the distress call about the case, one of their members at Mushin was sent to the area and the suspect arrested.

He added: “We were able to arrest the suspect through the support of his uncle. My advice to parents and guardians is to take good care of their children, especially the \girl-child. They should prevent them from staying in isolated places.”

The state Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), SP Chike Oti, did not pick his calls to confirm the story.

Student Threatens To Chop Off Lecturer's P*nis After Thinking He Mocked Her Lack Of S*xual Experience

A student has threatened to chop off her lecturer's penis after she believed he was trying to mock her with a cartoon due to her lack of sexual experience.

Stephanie Christol, 30, was sent a reading list by Dr. Christopher Dillon which featured a cartoon called The Virgin Snail.
Christol attended King’s College London where she studied history and is believed to have met Dr. Dillon in her final year when she was writing her dissertation. 

Furious at the perceived slight she emailed Dr. Dillon, who worked at the university’s Strand Campus, threatening to chop off his penis and stick it up his bottom.

The defendant, from Islington in London, also sent a series of emails and offensive Facebook messages about Dr. Dillon’s partner's appearance.

Dr. Dillon told Westminster Magistrates’ Court that he had been helping Christol with her dissertation which was on First World War films.

He said: ‘One message threatened me with violence. Between April to 25 September and there were dozens of emails.

One of them threatened to cut off my penis and shove it up to my bottom. They were threatening I was concerned they may spread over to my partner.

Christol denied but was convicted on one count of harassment without violence.

She was granted conditional bail ahead of sentencing at Westminster Magistrates’ Court.