
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

See President Buhari One Year In Office Speech: Full Text and Video

My compatriots,

It is one year today since our administration came into office. It has been a year of triumph, consolidation, pains and achievements. By age, instinct and experience, my preference is to look forward, to prepare for the challenges that lie ahead and rededicate the administration to the task of fixing Nigeria.

But I believe we can also learn from the obstacles we have overcome and the progress we made thus far, to help strengthen the plans that we have in place to put Nigeria back on the path of progress.

We affirm our belief in democracy as the form of government that best assures the active participation and actual benefit of the people. Despite the many years of hardship and disappointment the people of this nation have proved inherently good, industrious tolerant, patient and generous.

The past years have witnessed huge flows of oil revenues. From 2010 average oil prices were $100 per barrel. But economic and security conditions were deteriorating. We campaigned and won the election on the platform of restoring security, tackling corruption and restructuring the economy. On our arrival, the oil price had collapsed to as low as $30 per barrel and we found nothing had been kept for the rainy day. Oil prices have been declining since 2014 but due to the neglect of the past, the country was not equipped to halt the economy from declining.

The infrastructure, notably rail, power, roads were in a decrepit state. All the four refineries were in a state of disrepair, the pipelines and depots neglected.

Huge debts owed to contractors and suppliers had accumulated. Twenty-seven states could not pay salaries for months. In the North East, Boko Haram had captured 14 local governments, driven the local authorities out, hoisted their flags. Elsewhere, insecurity was palpable; corruption and impunity were the order of the day. In short, we inherited a state near collapse.

On the economic front, all oil dependent countries, Nigeria included, have been struggling since the drop in prices. Many oil rich states have had to take tough decisions similar to what we are doing. The world, Nigeria included has been dealing with the effects of three significant and simultaneous global shocks starting in 2014:

A 70% drop in oil prices.

Global growth slowdown.

Normalization of monetary policy by the United States federal reserve.

Our problems as a government are like that of a farmer who in a good season harvests ten bags of produce. The proceeds enable him to get by for rest of the year. However, this year he could only manage 3 bags from his farm. He must now think of other ways to make ends meet.

From day one, we purposely set out to correct our condition, to change Nigeria. We reinforced and galvanized our armed forces with new leadership and resources. We marshaled our neighbours in a joint task force to tackle and defeat Boko Haram. By the end of December 2015, all but pockets and remnants had been routed by our gallant armed forces. Our immediate focus is for a gradual and safe return of internally displaced persons in safety and dignity and for the resumption of normalcy in the lives of people living in these areas.

EFCC was given the freedom to pursue corrupt officials and the judiciary was alerted on what Nigerians expect of them in the fight against corruption. On the economy, in particular foreign exchange and fuel shortages, our plan is to save foreign exchange by fast tracking repair of the refineries and producing most of our fuel requirements at home. And by growing more food in Nigeria, mainly rice, wheat and sugar we will save billions of dollars in foreign exchange and drastically reduce our food import bill.
We resolved to keep the Naira steady, as in the past, devaluation had done dreadful harm to the Nigerian economy. Furthermore, I supported the monetary authority’s decision to ensure alignment between monetary policy and fiscal policy. We shall keep a close look on how the recent measures affect the Naira and the economy. But we cannot get away from the fact that a strong currency is predicated on a strong economy. And a strong economy pre-supposes an industrial productive base and a steady export market. The measures we must take, may lead to hardships. The problems Nigerians have faced over the last year have been many and varied. But the real challenge for this government has been reconstructing the spine of the Nigerian state. The last twelve months have been spent collaborating with all arms of government to revive our institutions so that they are more efficient and fit for purpose:

That means a bureaucracy better able to develop and deliver policy

That means an independent judiciary, above suspicion and able to defend citizen’s rights and dispense justice equitably.

That means a legislature that actually legislates effectively and..Above all; that means political parties and politicians committed to serving the Nigerian people rather than themselves.

These are the pillars of the state on which democracy can take root and thrive. But only if they are strong and incorruptible. Accordingly, we are working very hard to introduce some vital structural reforms in the way we conduct government business and lay a solid foundation on which we can build enduring change.

An important first step has been to get our housekeeping right. So we have reduced the extravagant spending of the past. We started boldly with the treasury single account, stopping the leakages in public expenditure.

We then identified forty-three thousand ghost workers through the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information system. That represents pay packets totalling N4.2 billion stolen every month. In addition, we will save Twenty-Three Billion Naira per annum from official travelling and sitting allowances alone.

Furthermore, the efficiency unit will cut costs and eliminate duplications in ministries and departments. Every little saving helps. The reduction in the number of ministries and work on restructuring and rationalization of the MDAs is well underway. When this work is complete we will have a leaner, more efficient public service that is fit for the purpose of changing Nigeria for the good and for good.

As well as making savings, we have changed the way public money is spent. In all my years as a public servant, I have never come across the practice of padding budgets. I am glad to tell you now we not only have a budget, but more importantly, we have a budget process that is more transparent, more inclusive and more closely tied to our development priorities than in the recent past. 30% of the expenditure in this budget is devoted to capital items. Furthermore, we are projecting non-oil revenues to surpass proceeds from oil. Some critics have described the budget exercise as clumsy. Perhaps. But it was an example of consensus building, which is integral to democratic government. In the end we resolved our differences.

We have, therefore, delivered significant milestones on security, corruption and the economy. In respect of the economy, I would like to directly address you on the very painful but inevitable decisions we had to make in the last few weeks specifically on the pump price of fuel and the more flexible exchange rate policy announced by the central bank. It is even more painful for me that a major producer of crude oil with four refineries that once exported refined products is today having to import all of its domestic needs. This is what corruption and mismanagement has done to us and that is why we must fight these ills.

As part of the foundation of the new economy we have had to reform how fuel prices had traditionally been fixed. This step was taken only after protracted consideration of its pros and cons. After comprehensive investigation my advisers and I concluded that the mechanism was unsustainable.

We are also engaged in making recoveries of stolen assets some of which are in different jurisdictions. The processes of recovery can be tedious and time consuming, but today I can confirm that thus far: significant amount of assets have been recovered. A considerable portion of these are at different stages of recovery. Full details of the status and categories of the assets will now be published by the Ministry of Information and updated periodically. When forfeiture formalities are completed these monies will be credited to the treasury and be openly and transparently used in funding developmental projects and the public will be informed.

On the Niger Delta, we are committed to implementing the United Nations Environment Programme report and are advancing clean-up operations. I believe the way forward is to take a sustainable approach to address the issues that affect the delta communities. Re-engineering the amnesty programmes is an example of this. The recent spate of attacks by militants disrupting oil and power installations will not distract us from engaging leaders in the region in addressing Niger Delta problems. If the militants and vandals are testing our resolve, they are much mistaken. We shall apprehend the perpetrators and their sponsors and bring them to justice.

The policy measures and actions taken so far are not to be seen as some experiment in governance. We are fully aware that those vested interests who have held Nigeria back for so long will not give up without a fight. They will sow divisions, sponsor vile press criticisms at home and abroad, incite the public in an effort to create chaos rather than relinquish the vice-like grip they have held on Nigeria.

The economic misfortune we are experiencing in the shape of very low oil prices has provided us with an opportunity to restructure our economy and diversify. We are in the process of promoting agriculture, livestocks, exploiting our solid mineral resources and expanding our industrial and manufacturing base. That way, we will import less and make the social investments necessary to allow us to produce a large and skilled workforce.

Central Bank of Nigeria will offer more fiscal incentives for business that prove capable of manufacturing products that are internationally competitive. We remain committed to reforming the regulatory framework, for investors by improving the ease of doing business in Nigeria.

Meanwhile, the first steps along the path of self-sufficiency in rice, wheat and sugar – big users of our scarce foreign exchange – have been taken. The Labour Intensive Farming Enterprise will boost the economy and ensure inclusive growth in long neglected communities. Special intervention funds through the Bank of Agriculture will provide targeted support. Concerns remain about rising cost of foods such as maize, rice, millet, beans and gari. Farmers tell me that they are worried about the cost of fertilizers, pesticides and the absence of extension services. The federal and state governments are on the same page in tackling these hurdles in our efforts at increased food production and ultimately food security.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for the increasing role that our women are playing in revitalizing the agricultural sector. Modern farming is still hard and heavy work and I salute our Nigerian women in sharing this burden. In this respect I am very pleased to announce that the government will shortly be launching the national women’s empowerment fund, which I have approved to provide N1.6 billion in micro-finance loans to women across the nation to assist in rehabilitating the economies of rural communities, particularly those impacted by the insurgency and conflict.

With respect to solid minerals, the minister has produced a roadmap where we will work closely with the world bank and major international investors to ensure through best practices and due diligence that we choose the right partners. Illegal mining remains a problem and we have set up a special security team to protect our assets. Special measures will be in place to protect miners in their work environment.

For too long, ours has been a society that neglects the poor and victimizes the weak. A society that promotes profit and growth over development and freedom. A society that fails to recognize that, to quote the distinguished economist Amartya Sen “poverty is not just lack of money. It is not having the capability to realize one’s full potential as a human being.”

So, today, I am happy to formally launch, by far the most ambitious social protection programme in our history. A programme that both seeks to start the process of lifting many from poverty, while at the same time creating the opportunity for people to fend for themselves. In this regard, five hundred billion naira has been appropriated in the 2016 budget for social intervention programmes in five key areas. We are committed to providing job creation opportunities for five hundred thousand teachers and one hundred thousand artisans across the nation. 5.5 million children are to be provided with nutritious meals through our school feeding programme to improve learning outcomes, as well as enrolment and completion rates.

The conditional cash transfer scheme will provide financial support for up to one million vulnerable beneficiaries, and complement the enterprise programme – which will target up to one million market women; four hundred and sixty thousand artisans; and two hundred thousand agricultural workers, nationwide. Finally, through the education grant scheme, we will encourage students studying sciences, technology, engineering and maths, and lay a foundation for human capital development for the next generation

I would like to pay a special tribute to our gallant men and women of the armed forces who are in harm’s way so that the rest of us can live and go about our business in safety. Their work is almost done. The nation owes them a debt of gratitude.

Abroad, we want to assure our neighbours, friends and development partners that Nigeria is firmly committed to democratic principles. We are ready partners in combating terrorism, cyber crimes, control of communicable diseases and protection of the environment. Following on the Paris Agreement, COP 21, we are fully committed to halting and reversing desertification. Elsewhere, we will intensify efforts to tackle erosion, ocean surge, flooding and oil spillage which I referred to earlier by implementing the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) report.

We are grateful to the international community notably France, the US, UK and China for their quick response in helping to tackle the recent Ebola outbreak in our sub-region. We also acknowledge the humanity shown by the Italian and German governments in the treatment of boat people, many fleeing from our sub-region because of lack of economic opportunity. We thank all our partners especially several countries in the EU.

We appreciate the valuable work that the UN agencies, particularly UNICEF, ICRC, the World Food Program have been doing. We must also appreciate the World Bank, the Gates Foundation, the Global Fund and Educate A Child of Qatar for the excellent work in our health, education and other sectors.

Fellow citizens let me end on a happy note. To the delight of all, two of the abducted Chibok girls have regained their freedom. During the last one year, not a single day passed without my agonizing about these girls. Our efforts have centred around negotiations to free them safely from their mindless captors. We are still pursuing that course. Their safety is of paramount concern to me and I am sure to most Nigerians. I am very worried about the conditions those still captured might be in. Today I re-affirm our commitment to rescuing our girls. We will never stop until we bring them home safely. As I said before, no girl should be put through the brutality of forced marriage and every Nigerian girl has the right to an education and a life choice.

I thank you and appeal to you to continue supporting the government’s efforts to fix Nigeria. General Muhammadu Buhari is president of Nigeria and delivered this speech on Democracy Day, May 29, 2016.

Source: shandileo

Saudi Arabia Has Executed A Nigerian Who Brutally Killed a Policeman

Nigerian man living in Saudi Arabia has been executed by authorities for strangling to death a Saudi policeman. Saudi authorities put to death a Nigerian on Sunday after convicting him of murdering a policeman, the latest in a surge of executions that has drawn concern from human rights groups.

It was 95th execution of the year in the ultra-conservative Muslim kingdom, which imposes the death penalty for offences including murder, drug trafficking, armed robbery, rape and apostasy. Fahd Houssawi was put to death in the western city of Taif, the interior ministry said in a statement carried by the official SPA news agency. He had been found guilty of strangling the policeman and beating his head against the ground until he died, the ministry said.

Amnesty International has warned that at the current rate Saudi Arabia could see more than 100 executions in the first half of 2016 alone. The London-based watchdog says that the kingdom carried out at least 158 death sentences last year, making it the third most prolific executioner after Iran and Pakistan. Its figures do not include secretive China. The executions this year are “higher than at the same point last year,” Amnesty said

Murder and drug trafficking cases account for the majority of Saudi executions, although 47 people were put to death for “terrorism” offences on a single day in January. They included prominent Shiite cleric Nimr al-Nimr whose execution prompted Iranian protesters to torch Saudi diplomatic missions triggering the severing of relations between the Middle East’s leading Sunni and Shiite powers.

Hmmm! 37-yr-old man jailed 6 months for touching a lady br**st

An Ikeja magistrate’s Court, weekend, sentenced a 37-year-old man, Ibrahim Abu, to six months imprisonment for touching the breast of a 17-year-old girl (names withheld) without her consent. Abu, who lives at 6, Mosque Close, Isheri-Olofin, Lagos State, was arraigned before Magistrate Osusanmi and sentenced last Friday for sexually assaulting the girl Monday last week.

Vanguard gathered that the girl was asked by her parents to learn hairdressing, while awaiting the release of her Senior Secondary Certificate Examination, SSCE, result. It was learned that at 7:30p.m. last week Monday, while she was returning home, Abu accosted the victim at Baale Bus Stop Akowonjo, and touched her breast without seeking her consent.

It was gathered that in retaliation, she slapped Abu and he hit her with a plank; she reportedly fell, became unconscious and was rushed to a hospital. Abu was later arrested by policemen attached to Shasha Police Station and the case reported to Domestic, Sexual Violence Response Team, DSVRT.

Delivering her judgment, Osusanmi said the offence contravened Section 135 of the Criminal Laws of Lagos State, 2011. File: Reacting over the judgement, Coordinator of DSVRT, Mrs. Titilola Vivour-Adeniyi, said: “While we are pleased with this conviction, this case depicts the current height of impunity with which abusers act.

“The success of this conviction can be linked to DSVRT’s early engagement with the concerned victim and collaboration with the police, who despite the pleas and pressures from members of the society, ensured that the case was charged to court. “The role of the society in encouraging victims to speak out, protect victims and encourage justice is now crucial more than ever.”

Adeniyi disclosed that “the defendant’s name and details have been entered into the Sex Offenders Register. “We, therefore, use this medium to implore members of the society and stakeholders to play their roles in the fight against sexual and gender-based violence.”

Facebook Copy Briefly Surfaces In North Korea

A clone of the Facebook social media site has briefly appeared in North Korea before quickly going offline.
Hosted on the address in North Korea it had many of the features of other social networks.

It is not clear who created StarCon but it is thought to be a test project for a future service to be offered by the nation’s telecoms operator.

Soon after being discovered, the site was hacked and it is now not accessible.

The site was spotted by Doug Madory, a researcher at network management firm Dyn, who said it was rare to see any websites hosted in the secretive nation. The site’s name suggested it was linked to North Korea’s Star telecom service, he said.

Parody account

StarCon was built around a commercial software package called phpDolphin and had many of the features, including newsfeeds, messaging systems and personal spaces, seen on other social sites. However, many of the site’s pages were unfinished and were filled with placeholder text.
“I don’t believe it was intended to be accessible from outside North Korea,” Mr Madory told the BBC.

However, he said, Dyn’s mention of StarCon on its Twitter feed led people to set up personal pages on the site and start using it to swap messages.

One of the first accounts created parodied North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Outsiders created about 300 accounts on StarCon during its brief existence.

“There were a lot of people signing up that, based on their comments, appeared to genuinely think they could reach the North Korean people through the website,” he said.
“I’m quite sure that no North Koreans ever really used it for a social network website despite the fact that it was hosted in North Korea.”

A day after being discovered, the site was hacked to re-direct every visitor to a YouTube video. Soon after, it went offline completely.

Source: BBC

Bomb explosion in Biu Borno state leave a woman with her baby and 2 others dead

Four persons including a woman and her baby have been confirmed dead in a bomb attack in Biu, Borno state this morning. According to a statement by the Nigerian Army, at about 8.15am today a tricycle, known as “Keke NAPEP” unknowingly stepped on an Improvise Explosive Device (IED) planted by the side of Biu -Damboa road close to a military checkpoint at the outskirts of Biu town, Borno State.

Unfortunately, the IED exploded instantly killing 4 persons comprising of a woman with her baby and 2 other male adults. Three other persons were injured including a soldier and they were immediately evacuated to Biu General Hospital.

We regret to state that the injured soldier also died at the hospital. The general area has been cordoned off and Explosive Ordinance Device (EOD) team from Forward Operation Base (FOB) in Buratai have been mobilized to carryout further search of the area. Preliminary investigations shows that the IED was buried long time ago undetected. It exploded when the tricycle erroneously stepped on it.


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Facebook: Giwa Alaba Innocent
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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Reports: Paypal Founder Is ‘Vindictive Comic Book Villain’

Gossip site Gawker has called Paypal founder Peter Thiel a comic book villain who mounted a “vindictive campaign” of lawsuits against the site.

Gawker lost a $140m lawsuit Mr Thiel funded on behalf of ex- wrestler Hulk Hogan two months ago, and faces an uncertain future.

Mr Thiel told the New York Times he funded legal actions as a deterrent rather than for revenge.
Mr Thiel was outed as gay by Gawker’s Valleywag blog in 2007.
Gawker chief executive Nick Denton likened Mr Thiel to a “comic-book villain” in an open letter.
Valleywag also ran a number of stories about Facebook, which provided part of Mr Thiel’s estimated $2.7bn fortune. Mr
Thiel is on the Facebook board.

On Thursday Gawker’s Mr Denton said in the letter to Mr Thiel: “This vindictive decade-long campaign is quite out of proportion to the hurt you claim. Your plaintiff’s lawyer, Charles Harder, has sued not just the company, but individual journalists… Peter, this is twisted.”

“Now you show yourself as a thin-skinned billionaire who, despite all the success and public recognition that a person could dream of, seethes over criticism and plots behind the scenes to tie up his opponents in litigation he can afford better than they.”

But Mr Thiel told the New York Times: “It’s less about revenge and more about specific deterrence… I saw Gawker pioneer a unique and incredibly damaging way of getting attention by bull

EFCC gets the nod to probe Goodluck over arms deal

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) yesterday formally received a petition asking the agency to probe ex-President Goodluck Jonathan on the alleged mismanagement of $2.1 billion released to the Office of the National Security Adviser (ONSA) for arms purchase. The petition is the first written against the former president.

The Nation reports that the petition came from a former member of the Enugu State House of Assembly, Ikenna Ejezie, through his counsel, Barrister Osuagwu Ugochukwu.

The petition reads: “We are solicitors to Hon. Ikenna Ejezie hereinafter called our client and with you as he has instructed.

“Our client is requesting you to, in the public interest, invite ex-President Goodluck Jonathan for questioning and possible prosecution over his role in the misuse of $2.1 billion through the Office of the National Security Adviser (Col. Sambo Dasuki rtd) and disbursement of N400 million funds to Olisa Metuh for personal and private political party use.

“Our client notes that Dasuki had stated severally whilst in your commission that the $2.1billion was authorized for disbursement by ex-President Goodluck Jonathan for arms purchase, but later turned out to be for selfish purpose.

“Our client informed us that the confession of Olisa Metuh is contained in his criminal statement with the EFCC.

“Our client is thus shocked that in spite of the implication of ex-President Jonathan in the current prosecution of Metuh and Dasuki, the former President has not been invited for his statement to be taken nor has he been prosecuted by the EFCC as co-accused/ defendant.

“Our client herewith requests that the ex-President be invited for questioning and to commence prosecution as he was the one who did authorize the disbursement of the $2.1billion and N400million public funds that were illegally abused and misappropriated by Dasuki and Metuh who are both standing trial in various courts in Abuja.

“Our client demands that this request be responded to within seven days from the receipt of this letter and as quickly as possible.”

Terrific! Over 40 People Injured As Lightning Strikes Children’s Party In Paris And Football Match In Germany

Three children and an adult among 11 people were fighting for their lives on Saturday after they were struck by lightning during a birthday party in a Paris park.

Another child and an adult were seriously injured, but their lives are not in danger. Five others — four children and an adult — were slightly injured as well.

In a second freak incident – occurring at around the same time – 35 people were injured by a lightning bolt during a football match in Germany. The lightning struck at the end of a children’s match in the town of Hoppstaedten.

The referee, who was hit directly, was rushed to hospital by helicopter. Two other adults also suffered serious injuries. Thirty children aged between nine and 11 were mildly injured and taken to hospital for tests, along with two more adults.

The children in Paris were hit by lightning after seeking shelter under a tree from a sudden thunderstorm. The victims were rushed to hospital after horrified bystanders called the emergency services. The children, aged between seven and 14, were celebrating a birthday in the Parc Monceau, located in the wealthy 8th arrondissement.

Vincent Baladi, a local official, told iTELE television: “They have burns. The lightning struck suddenly. We hope they will pull through.”

The situation could have been even worse had it not been for the presence of an off-duty fireman, who happened to be at the scene and was able to give first aid, including a child whose heart had stopped.

Eric Moulin, a fire brigade spokesman, said the fireman “helped the most seriously injured during the first few minutes, before the emergency services arrived.” He added: “Without his actions, it would have been much worse.”

The off-duty fireman, Pascal Gremillet, said: “I saw them on the ground beside a tree. There was a child in cardiac arrest so I gave first aid and heart massage.” Mr Gremillet, a local resident, directed the emergency services to the exact spot.

Source: telegraph

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Court Freeze All The Billions Owned by Kola Aluko & Jide Omokore over Diezani Loot

‘I’m a big boy, I’m connected to government, into oil business, I control Millions and Billions’. It doesn’t last! What is happening to big boy Kola Aluko and others today is another classical example. People should try and imbibe the virtues of patience and diligence; work and build a sustainable life.

As you read this, a federal high court in Lagos has granted a Mareva injunction permitting the government of Nigerian to freeze assets owned by two Nigerian businessmen Kola Aluko and Jide Omokore, and their company Atlantic Energy.

The “big boys” are linked to former Minister of Petroleum, Diezani Alison-Madueke in a wide range of shady business dealings that illegally transferred Nigerian oil assets to them and their companies…
The legal documents obtained by SR, demanded a global freeze of $1.8 billion in assets stolen by Atlantic Energy executives Kola Aluko and Jide Omokore. This development follows reports that Aluko sold his lavish Bel-Air mansion in Los Angeles, USA at a $2m loss. Omikore has also been under intense scrutiny by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), which seized a 2 million pound wristwatch from him on April 27th, 2016 and raided his Nigerian homes on October 2nd, 2015.

Atlantic Energy was granted enormous contracts from the Nigerian Petroleum Development Company (NPDC) under the direction of Madam Diezani. According to reports, when she granted Atlantic Energy contracts through the Strategic Alliance Agreements (SAA) the company did not even legally exist.

According to legal documents, Aluko and Omikore stole more than $1.7b from Nigerian government:



Assets specifically mentioned include three mansions in Los Angeles, two high-end apartments in New York City, properties in Santa Barbara, California; numerous properties in Lagos including 43 apartments in Banana Island, 58 vehicles, the Galactica Star yacht, and three airplanes.

Ayo Fayose described President Buhari’s one year in office as a colossal waste

Ahead of President Buhari’s first year in office anniversary coming up on May 29th, Ekiti state governor, Ayo Fayose, has described Buhari’s stay in office as a colossal waste. He said this in a statement titled  “Petrol Price Increment as Buhari’s 1st Year Anniversary Gift to Nigerians” and released today May 25th. Part of the statement reads;

“Despite his electoral promise to reduce petrol pump price from the N87 per litre that he met it, President Muhammadu Buhari increased the price to N145! With this increment, Buhari has further impoverished Nigerians. Nigerians should be reminded that on April 14, 2015, President Buhari’s ally and former Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Prof. Tam David-West, told Nigerians that Gen. Mohammed Buhari (who was then President-elect), will reduce the fuel pump price from N87 to N40 per litre. Buhari did not debunk this statement made by his friend and major supporter.

“Also, when the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) government of Dr Goodluck Jonathan reduced the petrol pump price from N97 to N87 per litre in January 2015, former Lagos State Governor who is now Minister of Works, Power and Housing, Mr Babatunde Fashola said N10 reduction of the petrol pump price was too low and that Nigerians will get a better deal under Buhari. Fashola tweeted on January 18, 2015; ‘On PMS price reduction by N10. Now they listen. Oil the raw material drop over 50%, N10 is just about 10%. Good try but Nija can get a beta deal.’ In rewarding Nigerians for electing him as president, President Buhari opted to increase petrol pump price by N58.50! The first justification of the increment was removal of subsidy. But Nigerians were later stunned when the Vice President, Prof Yemi Osinbajo said pump price of petrol was increased because Nigeria was broke!

“In other words, President Buhari increased petrol pump price because the country was broke and it needed to shore up its revenue base. The N58.50 added to the previous pump price of N86.50 was an Indirect Tax imposed on each litre of petrol purchased by Nigerians.

“Simply put, the Federal Government is indirectly collecting N58.50 naira tax from suffering Nigerians on each litre of petrol they buy. Buhari is no doubt acting like the proverbial Agbalowomeri Baale Jontolo (Aking that exploit his extremely poor subject to further enrich himself). It is on record that on May 2 this year, the federal government, in the Petroleum Product Pricing Regulatory Agency (PPPRA) Template released in Abuja, told Nigerians that it was subsidising petrol at N12.62 per litre. In 2012 when the Dr Jonathan removed fuel subsidy and increased petrol price to N141 per litre, crude oil was selling at $111 per barrel.

“If not wickedness, how can petrol price be increased to N145 per litre when crude oil is now selling at $49 per barrel? Increasing petrol pump price by N58.50 when the federal government claimed it was subsidising the product at N12.62 per litre is clear wickedness on the part of President Buhari. In the history of Nigeria, increase in price of petrol has never been as high as it was done by Buhari, putting Nigerians in severe hardship as the product affects every sector of the economy.

Too bad, those who opposed removal of fuel subsidy in 2012 and funded the Occupy Nigeria protest are the ones canvassing support for this Buhari’s wicked one year anniversary gift to Nigerians. The labour unions are now completely cowed, dashing completely hope of the common people of Nigeria. Interestingly, this is not the first election promise by APC/Buhari that have been jettisoned since they got into office. The N5,000 unemployment benefits promised the downtrodden was derisively put down by this President as “largesse” with the president spurning the emotional plea of his own wife to the contrary. To add salt and insult unto injury, he traveled abroad to make the statement.

“Despite the mindless and indefensible hike in fuel price, the commodity is still not available. Minister of state for Petroleum says there is no forex to pay for fuel import; yet there is forex to indulge Buhari’s foreign-trip profligacy.

Presidential spin doctors and APC chieftains labouring to hoodwink the people speak glibly of how so-called deregulation will make products available, reduce cost through competition and the interplay of market forces as well as encourage private sector to build more refineries. But thank God who loves Nigerians so much, the lies of these people was by divine arrangement, I suppose, revealed by no less a person than the junior minister Ibe Kachikwu himself when he said importation of fuel continues till 2019. 

Nigerians should be reminded that the manner of hardship being faced now was also faced during Buhari’s first coming as a military dictator when people had to queue for essential commodities. Now, Nigerians can’t even afford common tomato to prepare soup. So Nigerians you have heard the truth: Under Buhari/APC, it is almost certain that our suffering will continue till 2019. Nigerians, remember I warned you before Buhari was elected; I have been warning you since Buhari became president and I am warning now that if nothing is done urgently, the economy of Nigeria will collapse.”

You have not seen anything yet- T.B. Joshua remark on food scarcity

On Sunday May 22, 2016, T.B. Joshua of the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN), made some shocking revelations on his Emmanuel TV station concerning Nigeria and the world at large.  The ‘prophet’ spoke on many issues including the recent EgyptAir crash, African politics and agriculture, even warning of a terrorist attack in the United Kingdom.

He read out a transcript of the prophecies he had given during his New Year’s Crossover Service, highlighting particularly the national food scarcity. On each point read, he expanded further, detailing what Nigeria and Africa are to expect in the nearest future.


“There will be large scale scarcity, shortage of food. As a state, country, continent, we have to go back to the farm to arrest, to alleviate the forthcoming situation”, he read. Further expanding on the details of the prophecy, he said, “It is only a ‘shortage’ that you are experiencing now; you have not experienced ‘large scale.’ ” Giving further insight, he proclaimed, “This one that I am saying now, ‘scarcity’, ‘large scale’, it’s a proverb. Whatever you can do from now till December – all of your money you will use to buy food – you will not have enough to buy.”

Advising those in the real-estate business he said,

“If you are the type planning to build a house now, stop it for the mean time. If you are in the business of buying land, stop it for the mean time – look for another business. Stop it for the mean time until February next year. Use that money on the need of people now.”

Giving a sombre warning, he said, “I’m preparing you. Get ready; lager scale scarcity is coming!”

In the last few days, Nigerians have woken up to the stark reality of the rising food scarcity. Several reports were released on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday detailing the extent of the current national food woes. Tomato ebola, violence from fulani herdsmen, missed harvests and rising transportation costs have all been attributed as the cause of the food shortage and spiralling food prices.

On the rise of “tomato ebola”, Kaduna state agriculture commissioner, Manzo Daniel, said:

“This is only the beginning of a disaster if we don’t take drastic measures because the disease is fast spreading across the north.”

On the economic plight Nigerians are facing, Joshua read from his beginning of year prophecies:

“The president will do everything to reject devaluation of the naira – which is a good idea from a good leader. But there will be overwhelming pressure which he will not be able to resist. Nigeria, we are in a valley. The future is crying for help.”

Expanding on the ‘valley’, Joshua said:

 “I explained that we are in a valley but it is not the valley of the shadow of death. There is no snake or scorpion, it’s different. When you are in the valley you will cry and cry but you will still get out of the valley.”

“You have to continue to cut your coat according to your size. Don’t just continue to spend your money on something that won’t be able to help you. Spend your money on something that the whole world will be looking for – food, shelter.”

Moving on the political climate in Africa, Joshua noted:

 “African leaders should quickly arrest the political situation. 50% of counties that do elections, at least 45% of them will face crisis.  More African countries will be under siege by terrorists because of pros and cons in choosing leaders. Mishandling of electoral processes will create a conducive atmosphere for terrorists.”

Joshua also claimed to have seen an attack in the United Kingdom. He said:

“Pray for the United Kingdom like the railways, people, and crowds where people gather because I’m seeing some funny people in their country. But I am seeing with prayer and proper security it will be avoided but there will be a sign or trace that this happened but it will not happen the way that it was supposed to have happened but they will know that something happened there.”

 The day following Joshua’s warning, 27 schools had to close nationwide in the UK due to a bomb scare. Apparently, anonymous repeated calls were made to each school, warning of explosive devices. The callers told the receptionists that “if the school called the police the bomb would be detonated immediately”. The threats continued on Tuesday with more schools being evacuated.

On the Egypt Air crash, Joshua said:

 “Egypt has happened and the other one I am seeing is very close and I am going to say the country and the place. This one that I am seeing now is bigger than the one that happened. This one is very close now.

Every airport security must be tight. You should be careful who you employ to fly as a pilot or flight attendant because they too will apply for this kind of job and they will be patient enough; if it is one or two years they will be patient until the achieve their goal.”

The cleric dishes out national and international predictions on a regular basis, using the platform of his Sunday services, broadcast live on his Emmanuel TV.

While some embrace his prophecies, upholding him as an end-time prophet, others are highly sceptical. Despite mixed reactions to his prophecies and purported miracles, Joshua has a huge following worldwide, with his YouTube Channel having over 350,000 subscribers and 2.2million following him on Facebook.


Taylor Swift, Gigi Hadid, Cara Delevingne Terrorised By Death Threats

Taylor Swift and her superstar posse are under attack from an Internet troll who’s threatening to kill them… and cops are on the hunt for the guy.

The guy terrorized Taylor, saying, “I will kill some of you.” He also targeted Gigi Hadid, tweeting, “people gon die they’re gon die die die die!” And Cara Delevingne was targeted … “I will kill your friends and I am excited about it.”

Chrissy Teigen, who’s not part of Taylor’s posse, was also in the lunatic’s crosshairs, with this … “gonna give it one shot, but I probably gonna end up murdering your friends.”

Law enforcement sources tell us they first got the heads up about the cyber threats from director Kyle Newman, whose wife, Jaime King, was also on the receiving end of threats.

Police got a search warrant to comb through Twitter’s records that could lead them to their culprit. We’re told so far cops have not gotten the info they need to close in.


218 Extra Flights From Madrid To Milan

In order to accommodate the flow of fans who are heading to Milan to watch the Champions League final on Saturday, as many as 218 additional Milan-bound flights with 46,317 available seats have been added from Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas airport, the main international airport serving the Spanish capital.

The airport announced in a statement that this was to the flow of fans who will go to the Italian city to watch the final between Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid on Saturday, reports Efe.

The 218 extra flights have been added to the regular 105 flights.


Back-to-Back: Pastor Chris & His Beautiful Wife Anita Are Back

A pretty sensational information is coming out from sources in Christ Embassy where reports have it that Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and his beautiful wife, Anita, who had followed through with her decision to divorce him, have settled their issues privately away from the court and her back together.

Pastor Chris had refused to follow his wife to court and had distanced himself from all the divorce process. In one of his reactions in the heat of the saga in the media,  gathered that he said he was sure that she would realize her mistakes [it was about roles and positions], and relax.

Latest reports indicates that Pastor Chris and Pastor Anita are back together.

There is already a sign in the social media that they have settled their differences. Pastor Chris and Anita were said to have jointly attended a reunion service, hugging and holding hands.

A Facebook user who attends Christ Embassy had uploaded the photo above on his page with a caption which read “Thank You Jesus. Glory!”, supporting the claim that the popular pastor and his wife are back.

That man smiling behind Pastor Chris was the main reason his wife was mad at him. I have the exclusive but there is no need to go into all that anymore, especially if their reconciliation is true.
We are hoping that they are truly back together as a couple, wishing them well!

Amazing!!! It Take These Women 20 Years To Grown their Hair…See How Long Their Hairs are Now (Photos)

Some women who have been consistently growing their hair for up to 20 years have shown them off and the length of hair is simply mind-blowing.

The group of women have let their hair down to promote HIV awareness – and their cascading locks would give the fairy cartoon character, Rapunzel a run for her money.

According to Daily Mail, the troupe of eight middle-aged women, who have hair up to 3.5 metres long, are touring across China in what’s been deemed the world’s only long-haired ‘act.’

The group, whose name translates to ‘showing long hair across thousands of kilometres,’ have visited Jining, East Chinas Shandong Province, to help cast the spotlight on an event promoting awareness of the disease.

Growing extremely long hair is an ancient tradition in several ethnic Chinese minorities, including the Yao people of Huangluo Yao Village.
The women, who have been growing their hair for over 20 years, hail from Beijing, Shandong, Hubei, Guangxi, Shanxi, Henan, and Jilin.

They admit it is a hassle to maintain their lengthy locks, but say their aim is to promote traditional beauty to the world.

Long black hair is a sign of health and prosperity among the tribes, where women only wash their hair once every month.

AIDS is a controversial topic in China, with sufferers shunned by their communities, and even their families, over an irrational fear of being infected.

The phenomenon has been put down to a lack of education about the illness, and especially how it is contracted and spread. The event in Jining sought to raise public awareness.

- source: shandileo

U S President Barack Obama Mocked For Wearing Taupe Suit In White House Address

US President addressed the situation in Ukraine and the Middle East, but all eyes were on his choice of suit.
Tongues are wagging over President Barack Obama’s audacity to wear taupe.

The sight of Obama discussing possible US military action in Syria in a light-colored suit lit up Twitter on Thursday, and the reviews of his unusual fashion choice were less than fashionable.
Many tweets poked fun at slogans that are closely associated with Mr Obama.

Mr Obama typically wears dark suits.

In 2009, he was panned for wearing “mom jeans” to throw the first pitch at the All-Star Game.
MrObama today admitted in the conference: “We don’t have a strategy yet” to confront the Islamic State (IS) as he poured cold water on the prospect of imminent US strikes against jihadists in Syria.
Despite weeks of American bombing missions against Sunni militants in Iraq, Mr Obama said that the White House had still not developed a broader plan for countering IS across the region.

While US drones are already carrying out surveillance in Syria, Mr Obama said that he was not ready to order strikes there and dramatically escalate America’s involvement in the conflict.

“I don’t want to put the cart before the horse. We don’t have a strategy yet,” Mr Obama said when asked whether he would seek Congressional approval for striking in Syria.

Source: telegraph

Connor Randall Looking Foward To Barcelona Clash

Connor Randall admits Liverpool’s Wembley friendly against Barcelona in August is a huge incentive for Reds youngsters to impress boss Jurgen Klopp when they report back for pre-season training.

Liverpool play the Spanish giants in the International Champions Cup at Wembley on August 6, after tackling Chelsea and AC Milan in the same competition in America.

And Randall, who made his first-team debut in the Capital One Cup win over Bournemouth last October, is understandably excited by the prospect of playing for the Reds in front of a sell-out crowd at the home of English football.

“A few of my mates texted me when it was announced and it’s a big motivation for everyone because it’s two massive clubs playing at Wembley Stadium,” he said.

“Everyone will be coming back trying to impress the manager but to be involved would be unbelievable. It’s going to be a great match and games like that are what you play the game for.”
Randall ended his breakthrough season on a positive note after helping the club’s U21 side to a 2-2 against Sacramento Republic in Reno on Wednesday night.
Ryan Kent and Cameron Brannagan – who also made their first-team debuts last season – were on target for the young Reds in the draw, which saw Liverpool become the first Premier League club ever to visit the US state of Nevada.
“We weren’t aware of it before we came out but it was a big moment and it’s always good to make a bit of history,” said Randall, who has been at Liverpool since he was six.
“We’re on the other side of the world but loads of people have come to watch us train, showing all the lads how big this club is and what it means to play for Liverpool.
“The support is massive everywhere and it reminds us how lucky we are to be a part of it. It spurs me on and hopefully I can be involved when the first-team return to America at the end of July.”

Versatile youngster Randall was deployed at right-back by Klopp in a season where Liverpool played 63 matches, finishing runners-up in the Capital One Cup and Europa League finals.
The 20-year old was handed a new deal last December and ended the 2015/16 season with seven first-team appearances in all competitions under his belt.

“It’s been a fantastic season for me and if someone had told me it would pan out like this, I probably wouldn’t have believed them,” he added.
“It’s a bit of a blur looking back on my debut now because it was all I ever wanted and it was a pretty surreal moment. I was also in the last year of my deal and getting a new contract was definitely my goal, so I was very pleased with that.

“Now it’s about getting my head down and working hard to continue to push on and improve as a player. That’s my goal ahead of the new season.”

Source: skysports

Rap superstar, Kanye West Sued By Hungarian Over Song Sample

A Hungarian artist is seeking more than $2.5 million from Kanye West, saying the rap superstar’s track “New Slaves” sampled his music without permission or royalties.

Gabor Presser, who described himself as a “living legend” in Hungary, said that West’s lawyers put “extraordinary time pressure” on him to sign off quickly on use of the song which appeared on his 2013 “Yeezus” album.

In a lawsuit filed this week in a New York court, Presser asked for a jury trial and sought a minimum of $2.5 million in damages plus legal expenses.

“New Slaves,” a political track with a critique of contemporary racism that features singer Frank Ocean, was the first single of “Yeezus,” on which West pursued a harder-edged sound inspired by the drill scene in his native Chicago.
To promote the album ahead of its release, West projected a video of “New Slaves” on 66 buildings around the world.

Presser said that around one-third of “New Slaves” is a sample from the 1969 song “Gyongyhaju Lany” by Omega, the leading Hungarian rock band in which he was then the keyboardist.

West acknowledged use of the song but, in the lawsuit, Presser said that the rapper’s lawyers tried to force him to give permission within 24 hours, apparently due to the timeline for the video projections.
Presser said he needed more time and that West’s lawyers refused to negotiate “in good faith,” instead sending him a $10,000 check as an advance with the expectation of an agreement.
The Hungarian artist said he did not accept the advance and had continued trying to reach an arrangement with West’s lawyers.

“Defendant Kanye West knowingly and intentionally misappropriated plaintiff’s composition for use in ‘New Slaves.’ After his theft was discovered, defendants refused to deal fairly with plaintiff,” the lawsuit said.

West has not responded to the lawsuit. “Yeezus” went to number one in several countries and was certified platinum in the United States, meaning it has sold more than one million copies.
The lawsuit said that West’s tour in support of “Yeezus” generated some $35 million.

West, who is married to reality television star Kim Kardashian, earlier this year said he was $53 million in debt and needed money to bring his “beautiful ideas to the world.”
Samples are commonplace in hip-hop but artists are expected to seek permission for taking elements of recordings.

Another Hungarian, folk singer Monika Juhasz Miczura, has filed a separate lawsuit against Beyonce for allegedly sampling her music without even seeking permission for “Drunk in Love,” her hit with rapper husband Jay-Z.

Source: AFP

See photo As Atiku receives Etsu Kwali-led delegation

 Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar received the Greater Gbagyi Development Initiative delegate led by the Etsu Kwali, Alhaji (Dr) Shaban Nizuzzo Audu in Abuja on Wednesday, May 25, 2016.

See more photos after the cut...

Minister of Foreign Affairs has announce that FG will Repatriate Looted 300 million Pounds from Jersey

President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration which is currently struggling with poor finances has gotten the needed financial boost from a soon to be repatriated fund.

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Geoffrey Onyeama stated this on Tuesday in Abuja at a news conference organised as part of activities to mark the one year anniversary of President Mohammadu Buhari’s administration.

Jersey, an independent, English-speaking territory with a mix of British and French cultures, is the largest of the Channel Islands located between England and France, according to the Vanguard.The minister said that the money in Jersey would have been repatriated but for a last minute “objection’’ that was raised by the people, who were supposed to forfeit it. “We are just in the process of repatriating that in the UK itself.

Sometimes very often what happens is that the people, who have ownership or who claim to have ownership (of the money) might bring up a defence. “Like if you take the one in Jersey, it is like 300 million pounds or thereabouts; now everything had been done to repatriate the money.
“It was no longer contested; and then at the last minute, an objection was raised by the people, who were supposed to forfeit those funds.

“So, of course the authorities in Jersey were obliged – as much as they would have liked to just go ahead and repatriate it – to go through certain legal procedures, because the other party would have a lawyer and there were legal issues.

“And then we have to now start going through that all over again; so that is really the challenge.’’

According to the minister, the important thing is that the process has been engaged. He said Nigeria would not relent in seeking to repatriate the alleged stolen funds.
He also said that the process of repatriation of looted funds stacked in other countries like Switzerland and U.S. was in progress. “It is something that takes time – repatriation of stolen funds – because very often, you have to have an idea; you have to work on lead.’’

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Wizkid & Yemi Alade Nominated For Best International Act Africa 2016 BET Awards (See Full nominees list)

Other Best International Act: Africa nominees are  AKA (South Africa), Black Coffee (South Africa), Cassper Nyovest (South Africa), Diamond Platnumz (Tanzania), Mzvee (Ghana), Serge Beynaud (Cote D’ivoire)…

See the complete list of nominees below

Best Female R&B/Pop Artist
Best Male R&B/Pop Artist
Best Group
Best Collaboration
Best Male Hip Hop Artist
Best Female Hip Hop Artist
Video of the Year
Video Director of the Year
Best New Artist
Dr. Bobby Jones Best Gospel/Inspirational Award
Best Actress
Best Actor
YoungStars Award
Best Movie
Sportswoman of the Year
Sportsman of the Year
Coca-Cola Viewers’ Choice Award
Centric Award
Best International Act Africa
MZVEE (Ghana)
Best International Act UK

-Source: gossipmill

Real Madrid Cristiano Ronaldo shares photo with his son

New Music Video: Dj Sawa x Mr Eazi – Tomorrow

Here’s a new video song he’s featured on; this one is by UK-based DJ Sawa titled “Tomorrow“.
The song was directed by Alexx Adjei.

Enjoy watching!

See Cute Photos from Uche Ogbodo’s 30th birthday celebration

Popular Nollywood actress threw herself a birthday party and her colleagues including Halima Abubakar and Angela Okorie were all there to celebrate with her on the occassion of her BD.

 See more photos after the cut…

Amazing!!! Woman Gives Birth To Triplet After 19yrs Of Marriage

God of second chance has proof Himself again. He did it before and He has done it again and again. And He will continue to do it!

Life is beautiful when you live with God and focus in His promise, there are many issues that could tempt your to compromise your faith but staying strong is the right thing to do even when the going is tough and rough, because your victory is sure. The parent of this triplet are so so happy as their waiting on the Lord has produced a marvelous result:

“We looked up straight to heaven for 19 years and three angels sent from up above for us to love, to hold and rock and kiss good night, to wrap our arms real tight and keep them safe and warm while counting their toes, stay believing we did now have 3 angels sent from up above.”

The wonderful triplet are two girls and a boy. Is God not awesome?

Terrific: Rivaled Militants clash, blow up Eni oil pipeline in Bayelsa

Rivaled militant groups clashed and attacked an oilfield operated by Eni’s Nigerian subsidiary, Agip Oil Company (NAOC) at Ikeinghenbiri community in Southern Ijaw council, Bayelsa.

According to Sahara Reporters, residents of the community have fled their homes following the clash. They say the militants were fighting for the control of the Ogboinbiri-Tebidaba crude trunk line which passed through their community.

A resident of the community identified as Ebidimo Joseph said “We understand it is a conflict between two armed groups for the access to the crude pipeline, one group claims to be working to safeguard the pipeline and said the other group are vandals; they have been shooting.

The sound of the gunfire is scary, and there is no sign of the Joint Task Force soldiers who are supposed to be patrolling the area, we have not seen any soldier,” Joseph said According to Joseph, the pipeline was set ablaze while the two groups engaged each other in the gun battle adding that there was no way to ascertain if there was any casualty yet.

See How A Woman Was Bathed with Acid after visiting Native Doctor in Edo (Photo)

Marbel Mark, 31, from Edo State but married to a man from Delta State, has petitioned Edo Police Command, urging investigation into the acid bath she suffered in the hands of some persons now at large.

The incident happened in October 2015, when the victim, based in Spain, with her seven year-old daughter, visited Nigeria.

Trouble started when she was said to have visited a native doctor at Sakpoba Road, Benin shortly after her arrival in Nigeria. Though the relationship between the woman and the native doctor could not be ascertain, it was said that the wife of the latter became jealous of the alleged ‘close relationship’ between the Marbel and her husband and decided to fight Marbel.

She accused her of having an affair with her husband but Marbel refuted the allegation vehemently, insisting that the relationship between her and the husband was purely business. But of course the wife did not believe her story and continued to protest.

According to Vanguard, the wife feared Marbel may be using her connection abroad to make her husband dump her. It was learnt that the situation took a turn for the worse when the native doctor’s wife called Marbel’s husband in Spain to report the matter to him.

It was gathered that the incident caused problems between Marbel and her husband.
Tragedy struck, however, when Marbel went to the salon to fix her hair, as unknown persons stormed the place and bathed her with acid. The incident caused pandemonium as people ran helter-skelter, a situation which gave the suspects the opportunity to escape.
Marbel was rushed to the University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH) for treatment before she was flown back to her base in Spain for surgery. In the midst of the tragedy, Mabel was said to have sued her husband for divorce, which was said to have been granted by a court in Spain.

Though the reason for the divorce is unknown, it was gathered that Marbel’s husband and the native doctor’s wife continued their communication to the discomfort of the victim. However, Marbel, who is still receiving treatment in the Spanish hospital, is appealing for justice from Edo State Police Command.

Speaking to Vanguard on telephone, she lamented:
“I have spent so much hospital bills to save my life due to the wickedness of somebody. I have petitioned the state Police Command through my lawyer. I am only appealing for justice. The police must apprehend the person that bathed me with acid and those that sent them. I have spent all I have on hospital bills so I cannot equally be denied justice in Nigeria.

I only came on holiday but look at what I got in return. I need the prayers and help of everyone, particularly the police so that those behind this will be apprehended. I am in pains and those behind this should not go unpunished.
And I appeal that the investigation should be accelerated because justice delayed is justice denied. Life has become so frustrating but I thank God for his mercies.”

The matter is now being investigated by the homicide section of the Edo Police. It was said that the wife of the native doctor has been interrogated and some other persons questioned also.

Spokesman for the state Police Command, Abiodun Osifo, said:
This is a crime against God and humanity and we must not condone it. How can somebody bath a fellow human being with acid? Even if the person is your enemy, does that make sense? Such people must face the law no matter where they are hiding. You cannot run forever.”

- Source: shandileo

JTF Arrested One Member f Boko Haram with ‘Dreadlocks’ in Sambisa Forest

The battle against the Boko Haram insurgents is taking a new shape following the recent victories recorded by security operatives in the Northern part of the country.

This Boko Haram member was reportedly captured by the Civilian Joint Task Force (CJTF) in the vast and dreaded Sambisa forest in Borno state.

Austria Votes In Run-Off Between Far-Right And Independent

Austrians have begun voting in a presidential run-off poll that could elect the European Union’s first far-right leader.
Norbert Hofer, of the Freedom Party, faces independent Alexander Van der Bellen, backed by the Greens.

Mr Hofer topped the first vote but fell well short of an outright majority. The run-off is expected to be close.
For the first time since World War Two, both the main centrist parties were knocked out in the first round.
The migrant crisis has become the key issue.

Ninety-thousand people claimed asylum in Austria last year, equivalent to about 1% of the Austrian population, and the Freedom Party has run a campaign against immigration.

While the presidency is a largely ceremonial post, the president has powers to dismiss the government – something Mr Hofer has already threatened to do.
And a Hofer victory could be the springboard for Freedom Party success in the next parliamentary elections, scheduled for 2018.

Polls opened at 07:00 (05:00 GMT) and close at 17:00, with projected results expected shortly afterwards.
However, postal ballots, which could be crucial if the result is close, will only be tallied on Monday.
In the first round, Mr Hofer, 45, secured 35% of the votes, while Mr Van der Belle polled 21%.

At his final election rally on Friday in Vienna, Mr Hofer, 45, sought to hammer home his message that immigrants needed to integrate.
“Those people who respect and love Austria and have found a new home here are warmly welcome,” he said to applause.

“But those, it has to be said, those who do not value our country, who fight for Islamic State, or who rape women, I say to these people: this is not your homeland. You cannot stay in Austria.”

The presidents of the European Commission and the European Parliament, Jean-Claude Juncker and Martin Schulz, have both expressed concern that Mr Hofer could win.
“I say to them very politely but firmly: we don’t take orders from Brussels or Berlin,” Mr Hofer said at the rally.

Mr Van der Bellen told his final rally in Vienna that it was likely to be a close race.
“I think it could be on a knife edge – 50-50 who will win, so this time, as with previous votes, but more than ever for this important election, every vote will count,” he said.

At a news conference, he reflected: “As you know, I am 72 years old and I’ve experienced how Austria rose from the ruins of World War Two, caused by the madness of nationalism.”
The two rivals had engaged in an angry TV debate earlier in the week, described as “political mud-wrestling” by commentators.
Ausria Graph

Source: BBC

Victims’ Families Sue Russia and its President Vladimir Putin in the European Court

Families of victims of downed Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 are suing Russia and its President Vladimir Putin in the European Court of Human Rights.

The jet was shot down by a Russian-made missile over eastern Ukraine in 2014, killing all 298 on board.
The West and Ukraine say Russian-backed rebels were responsible but Russia accuses Ukrainian forces.

The families’ claim is based on the violation of a passenger’s right to life, reported.
The claim is for 10 million Australian dollars ($7.2m; £4.9m) for each victim, and the lawsuit names both the Russian state and its president as respondents.

Jerry Skinner, a US-based aviation lawyer leading the case, told it was difficult for the families to live with, knowing it was “a crime”.

“The Russians don’t have any facts for blaming Ukraine, We have facts, photographs, memorandums, tonnes of stuff.”
Mr Skinner said they were waiting to hear from the ECHR whether the case had been accepted.

There are 33 next-of-kin named in the application, the Sydney Morning Herald reported – eight from Australia, one from New Zealand with the rest from Malaysia.

Sydney-based law firm LHD Lawyers is filing the case on behalf of their families.
Flight MH17 crashed at the height of the conflict between Ukrainian government troops and pro-Russian separatists.

A Dutch report last year concluded it was downed by a Russian-made Buk missile, but did not say who fired it.
Most of the victims were Dutch and a separate criminal investigation is still under way.

- Source: BBC